Quick Blueprint Creator
This is my version of a blueprint maker.
Key features: drag n drop image, blueprints are always shaded even in wireframe mode.
Enjoy ;)
How it works
• Just drag n drop the .ms file into the 3DS Max viewport
• Or drag n drop the .mzp file into the 3DS Max viewport, and then in Customize > Customize user interface, you'll find this script under the N00BY category
• Import an image by either drag n drop or right clicking the big central button.
• A preview of your image will be displayed on the button, click it to create the blueprint plane.
• Align and scale the blueprint as needed using the X, Y, Z button and the scale spinner.
General informations
• The blueprints are always shaded so you can work in wireframe mode and still see the image.
• The blueprint planes gets the image's dimensions.
• The blueprints are frozen once you deselect them.
• The script creates a new layer in which every blueprint is stocked. The layer and all the blueprints are all correctly and uniquely named.
Known issue:
For some reasons, as long as there is at least one blueprint created with this script in a max file, the mesh selection works the same in wireframe mode as in shaded mode. IE: you don't have to click on the edges of a mesh to select it, you click on it's volume. It's pretty confusing at first. Let me know if you have any solution to fix that.
Only tested on 3DSMax 2016.
Good tool
Good tool, Thanks a lot!
I get error display when using this nice tool, and searched in preferences there's a checkbox for using real world scale, don't check it will be ok.
Nice !
Simple & efficient. Thanks a lot for sharing it, Benjamin :)