Quick tangents

10 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Brad Noble

This will set the tangents of your selected keys
in the trackbar.  It's pretty easy
to use,
select your
keys in the trackbar or trackview
(however the whole point of it is to change your keys without opening
your trackview) and click on the tangent you want. That's it.
It also has options to choose whether you want to change only
incoming or outgoing tangents.

New version
you to choose between the normal vertical alignment that can dock on
the left and right of your screen and the new horizontal layout that
can dock on the top and bottom.

Additional Info: 

Just extract the zip files to your 3dsmax root folder and make sure
that the 'use folder names' option is turned on.

Video URL: 
Brad_Noble_Quick_tangents.zip11.43 KB


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kysterama's picture


How have i never found this script! And 17 years later it still works a treat!
Thanks Brad. The tedium of having to open the curve editor to simply change a key tangent has driven me crazy forever.

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