
12 votes
3dsmax 2009
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Allan McKay

What this will do is load up every single max file in the directory of your current scene file, and render each of them. Useful if you have a bunch of max files you want to render overnight on a single PC. You can just copy all those files into any directory, and set them all up with the render settings you want.
And then run the script, it will read all the max files in the present dir, and load them one at a time, and render each out.

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makco's picture

Awesome little script,

Awesome little script, Thanks

I did a little edit to single frames to make a small library of a directory:

_MPath = getfiles (maxfilepath + "*.max") -- Stores maxfiles into array

for i = 1 to _MPath.count do
renname = _Mpath[i] as string + ".jpg"
loadmaxfile _MPATH[i] -- Loading max file from Array
render outputfile:renname
print ("Rendered" + " " + _MPath[i]) as string


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