Tagged 'bitmap'

Photoshop tool. Open image maps in photoshop

30 votes


This is an update for an oldie but a goodie,


This is an oldie but a goody. Put simply, it is a script that will open 3ds Max material maps in photoshop. I use it in my quad menu. If photoshop isn’t open, then it will open it for you. The previous version used a hard old school search for image maps used
in your materials, before opening them in photoshop. This version uses
the max class dependencies to get all bitmaps used in a material.


18 votes

Collects all the scene bitmaps and places them into a single directory, updating your scene to point to their new home.

Open a scene that contains a lot of bitmaps. Run the UI version of the script. Choose a Directory. Hit Do. All the bitmaps you choosed will be copied to the directory you specified, and now all the scene materials point to that directory.

Texture Lister

0 votes


Texture Lister Help

 This script is inspired and use Collect asset by antomor as references.


22 votes

Relocate, replace or search missing maps.
See on which materials they are placed,
Double click to relink bitmaps
Globally change paths
Search and replace maps in subdirectories

Environment Lighting HDR Studio (MR)

3 votes


This Script allows to insert a Environment map HDR in the scene and simluate a virtual set for rendering "white". Also useful in the preparation of illuminated images in HDRi.

New features (work in progress):

Change Log v.0.9

Vray HDRI Viewer

2 votes

Vray HDRI Viewer is a simple and quick way of getting your HDRI's into your scene. Please note that for every HDRI the viewer requires an equivalent jpg file sized at 1000x500. I will be releasing a photoshop action to make this a little easier.

To intstal, use the maxscript menu > run script. You will then find it in "Catagory > shawvfx"

Quick Resize Image

1 vote

Simple and fun script that allows quickly of resize any image.

quick image resize

Set Bitmap Parameters

10 votes

"Batch change the bitmap parameters of all materials - selected objects' materials or material editor materials. Includes options for stripping out bitmap paths - batch path replacement - and filtering options.


Version History:


4 votes


EmbedBMP is a scripting utility that translates bitmap data from an image file to string data, which can be added to Maxscript source and loaded as bitmaps by the provided decoder function block.

Some basic compression is applied to decrease the data size. The embedbmp logo for instance is imbedded as a 5kb string, from a 44kb bitmap. The maximum practical image size strongly depends on the compressibility and omittability of the image content.

Bitmap List [ .NET ]

7 votes

The script "Bitmap List [ .NET ] - Version : Beta 1.0 " use dotNetClass ListView and Maxform.
The script for use change location bitmap and stuff in 3ds Max.
The script support 3ds Max 2009 - Higher.

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