Tagged 'Material Editor'

Multi/Sub Object Material Creator

8 votes

Hi all. Here's my Multi/Sub Object Material Creator.

V.05 Updated UI to a less cumbersome version so it's easier to use. Kudos to Tassel for development)

V.04 Updated to include the option for Mental Ray material preset.

Ui tweaks to seperate the materials It now produces a random colour for each material (thanks to br0t)

Added the option to name your material (thanks to br0t)

V.03 Updated to include Mental Ray materials!

Scene Clean

35 votes

Formerly Mat Clean, which was formerly Mat Kill.

*Indicates its newer-ish

*Collapse Stack(s): Collapses the selected objects, or if nothing is selected it will prompt to collapse all objects (even hidden).

*Pivot to World Zero (left click):
Sets the pivot to the lowest point in a mesh, then center, then moves the object to the center of the world zero point.

Populate MEdit Zorb

22 votes

Populates the Material Editor with the scene materials, or selected object materials. Has option to offset the materials placed in the material editor (usefull if there is more than 24 scenematerials). NEW: Added Material Editor Offset so it will dump materials starting at the specified slot

Material Editor Manager, MEM

26 votes

This script was developed due to a better usability of 3dsmax's material editor.

Reset Windows

30 votes



Ever lost your material editor? chances are that you've moved from having two monitors down to just having one, and before you've removed the second monitor you haven't moved your 3ds max windows back onto the primary monitor.

This script is simple in its goal to move all max windows onto the primary monitor, and save you entering playstation cheat code like keystrokes to get them there.


usage :  simple drag into your viewport.




RH Opacity to Alpha

11 votes

This script will collapse the opacity and diffuse textures into one 32bit texture. It works with multi materials and standard materials. Just select an object and run it.


12 votes

Cleans unassigned materials out of the Material Editor, replacing them with a gray standard material with default name. Leaves assigned materials intact.

Open Clean Material Editor Zorb

13 votes

Very simple little script. Put this next to your "open material editor" button and you can now open a pre cleaned material editor. Saves you waiting for big maps to load if you have some chunky materials in your editor.

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