Transform Mesh

12 votes
Author Name: 
Vojtech Cada

Transformation modifier with numeric input and an option to use an arbitrary scene object as a transform coordsys.


Additional Info: 

Installation: Copy the .ms file to your scripts\startup folder or run as a script if you only want to try it out. If you want to be able to use it from the modifier sets panel, place the .ms file instead inside the stdplugs/stdscripts folder in the 3ds max root folder. Upon running, the modifier will be available in the modifier stack. If you put it inside the stdscripts folder before evaluating it, you can add it to a modifier set for easier accessibility.

Version Requirement: 
3ds max 2018
transformMesh.ms2.74 KB


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titane357's picture

Thank you sooo much ! so

Thank you sooo much ! so usefull !

1rv's picture

nice, xform on steroids.

nice, xform on steroids.

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