Tyre Tire

13 votes
Date Updated: 

NOTE: Requires VRay (Uses VRay Displacement modifier).

This is intended as a 'head start' when creating Tyres (Tires), for vehicle wheels.
Still experimental and very much open to suggestions.

[ Click the thumbnails above for larger image ]

Should be fairly self-explanatory on how to use but just in case its needed the help section can be toggled by right-clicking the 'preview' area.

Feedback most welcome.

TyreTire v0.7 is now completely FREE...Merry Christmas!
Yes, the trial period has been removed so its even more user friendly than ever.
If you've had problems getting the script to run before, please try v0.7.
Tested on:
3dsMax 2015 (17.0) SP2
VRay Adv 3.00.07

Fixed issues with mapping.
Fixed Map Dir Missing error.
Refined error checking.
Added 33%.
Tried to add profile scaling option when rim radius changed but failed on all accounts. If anyone knows how to scale the 'custom' shape of a sweep modifier via mxs with the same effect as manually scaling the spline sub-object of the profile..... and would care to share then I'll add it in.....meantime, I'm all out of ideas.

Fixed many issues with Windows 8.(Sorry Windows 8 Users, I didn't know it was that bad.)
Fixed height issue when changing 'tread depth' spinner.
Limited 'Rim Radius' spinner to zero or positive values only.
Fixed spinner 'Type in' method, should now work ok.
Slight change to 'Help' menu text.

Added error checking, now outputs to listener.
Fixed custom spline orientation bug.
Fixed profile movement when rim diameter changed.
Last used custom profile / map should now be retained.
Spinners now disabled until a tyre has been created.

Fixed HKey error. (Tested in Max 2014 on Win7 x64)
Swapped UI around for a more logical workflow.

Now checks for VRay installation.
Minor tweaks. Corrected 'help' error.

Additional Info: 

To Install:

Unzip somewhere.
Then either...
1: MAXScript > Run Script... 'TyreTire_FREE_v0.7.mse' or...
2: MAXScript > Run Script... 'TyreTire_FREE_v0.7.mcr' for the macro version, then...

Customize > Customize UI >
Category: MrTom
ScriptName: F9 Tyre Tire

1: Custom 'profile' splines should to be created in the TOP viewport and in a CCW direction......ie, with vertex 1 on the right.
This should keep the normals facing outward.
You can edit the profile created by the script anyway which may be an easier option.

2: The image folder needs to stay with the script file for the script to load.

Version Requirement: 
Built with Win7 / 3dsMax 2015 x64. Tested with 3dsMax 2013/2014/2015 Win7/8 x86/x64
Other Software Required: 
VRay (Any version that supports VRay displacement modifier)
tyretire_free_v0.7.zip1.37 MB


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Michele71's picture

Very fun and helpful script!

Very fun and helpful script! Thanks for sharing :)

obaida's picture

Nice script , thank you . i

Nice script , thank you .
i didn't test it yet , but sure i will .

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