UV Strip Straightener

64 votes
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Mapping tool that straightens a single strip of faces.

Additional Info: 

This tool is run from the Mapping menu of the Edit UVWs dialog (UVW Unwrap modifier).
It works on all mappable surfaces except patches.
The code ignores the current edge visibility and checks the underlying triangular structure for validity. Hence a strip must have a topology such that it 'could be' made of a single line of quads, all well connected.

By default, the original proportions of the faces are more or less preserved, depending on the distorsion needed to align the selection.
When averaging the edges, U is along the length of the strip and V across it.
The Normalize option rescales the selection so it fits in the 1x1 UV square.

The operation is performed in the current view plane (UV, VW or UW) and the third coordinate is left unchanged.

Drop the .mzp file in a viewport. The macroscript is saved in the userMacros folder and an entry for it is created in the appropriate menu.
When downloading the file, its extension is sometimes changed to .zip. Just change it back to .mzp before dropping it in max.

Version Requirement: 
max 9 and above
UVStripStraightener.mzp3.58 KB


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othoap's picture


This script change my life. GREAT TOOL. I second "stenionet's" request. Please make it for none uv poly editing.

othoap's picture


I found that a 3 point poly face will give you that error. Use the break tool to isolate that 3 point face in the strip. Then select the rest of the strip you want and run the script. Of course then you need to re-weld the sections back together.

Michele71's picture

Thank Garp! Very good Job! :)

Thank Garp! Very good Job! :) One point to you :)

Garp's picture

Looks like unwelded vertices.

Looks like unwelded vertices.

dutch's picture

--------------------------- M

Invalid Strip(3)

getting this error.

stenionet's picture

Could make a script to do the

Could make a script to do the same with the polys in Edit Poly?

MattOstgard's picture

Excellent tool

thanks for making it.. super super useful

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