Vertex Normals Stitcher

8 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Budi Gunawan

This script averages vertex normals at the borders (Open Edges).

It allows you to smooth a surfaces after separating vertexs / edges / faces.
(example: after detaching faces or splitting edges).
It still keeping a hard Edges if the object have multiple Smoothing Group ID

Images shown are not a welding operation

New UI :

Additional Info: 

So make sure the selected objects can be converted to poly
and the boundary has the same position among them.

find another notes in the info buttons and the tooltip on any buttons.

Vertex Normals Stitcher V.1.0
- Main idea Tools.
- macroscript & encrypted files.

Updated :
Vertex Normals Stitcher V.1.2
- Added "Keep Modifiers" as an option.
- correct some button names.

Element with element mode : select 1 or more objects, then run this script.
,this will fix the normals at border on each elements.

Object with object mode : select 2 objects, then run this script.
it's such as sewing delicate the border.

Known Issues:
This is a new version of this script, but still has some limitation:
especially when turning on "keep Modifiers" toggle.
See Read_Me.text in the packed.

install :
Download then unpack the rar-files

1. for .mcr file :
- Drag and drop the Vertex_Normals_Stitcher.mcr files onto viewport
- then find it under Customize >> CustomizeUserinterface, Category 'BG tools'.
- and then Assign into keyboard, toolbars, Quads or menus.The button name is 'Normal Stitch'

2. for .mse file :
- Put 'BG-Vertex_Normals_Stitcher.mse' into "scripts\BG_Script" folder
ie: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011\Scripts\BG_Script

Version Requirement: 
vertex_normal_stitcher.gif489.36 KB
vertex_normals_stitcher_v.1.0.rar510.84 KB
vertex_normals_stitcher_v.1.2.rar534.8 KB
ui-vertex_normal_stitcher.gif32.34 KB


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milie's picture


Is there any way to preserve the modifiers on objects? If i have a skinned character, it will collapse the stack.

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