Visual Pivot Placer

38 votes
Date Updated: 

The image above says all. :)

Places the pivot of the selected object/s in one of the red colored circle.

For Editable Poly object/s you can place the pivot in the center of selected vert/s. edge/s, face/s.

Click with LMB on one of the red circle will tread all selected objects as one and the pivots of all objects will be in the same place.

Shift+LMB - every object in group or selection set  will be treated as a separate.

Version 1.1:

Now the tool will stay open until the "Exit" button is pressed or user click with RMB. This will allow you to select new object and change the pivot position without restarting the script. Watch the second video.

Version 1.2

some bugs are fixed

Version 1.3

fixed bugs:

 - select object when pressing the button

 - select hidden object

Version 1.4


- 3 types of pivot points cage - world BBox, local BBox(idea by @TitusLVR ) and dimension BBox.
- RexetXform and convert to Editable_Poly - idea by @tomastnt
- Shift+slecet another object will put the pivot of object to pivot of the selected objects

Version 1.5


- RexetXform and convert to Editable_Poly - idea by @tomastnt

I don't know why the video is not showed. Click here to watch it.


Drag and drop mzp file in 3ds max. Go to Customize - Customize user interface - "miauu" caegory and look for "Visual Pivot"

Version Requirement: 
tested in max 2009, should work in older versions too
Video URL: 
miauu_visualpivot_v13.mzp33.53 KB
miauu_visualpivot_v14.mzp47.01 KB
miauu_visualpivot_v15.mzp47.79 KB


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begon's picture

These buttons with the text

These buttons with the text sometimes do not work properly

It occurs, when under black buttons there is other object.
Click on LMB, selections jumps on other object.
It does not work, if other object hidden, the selections jumps on hidden object.

3ds max 2011

miauu's picture

How the script works - see

How the script works - see this script - The buttons are gw.wrect(the lines of the cage are gw.wPolyline). You have to track the mouse position on the screen and if the mouse cursor is over a button and you click on it - the script execute command assigned to that button. Thats all. :)

 drag&drop does not install the script as a macro, but will run it

After restarting 3ds max still the script is not apear in the "miauu" category? You can try to install it manualy. Unzip the .mzp file. Go to maxroot/scripts and create directory "miauuScripts"(in case that you don't have that folder). Place the .mse file in that folder and run the macro file.

 the buttons and the boundingbox interface sometimes just stay on screen and will not disappear

New version is uploaded. If the problem is not solved tell me to try to fix it again. :)

br0t's picture

great idea for a script! how

great idea for a script! how did you do those buttons and in general how am I able to pick the red circles, is that interal 3ds max stuff you use or dotNet or do you draw this stuff into the viewport?

two things that dont work for me (2011 x64):
- drag&drop does not install the script as a macro, but will run it
- the buttons and the boundingbox interface sometimes just stay on screen and will not disappear


Never get low & slow & out of ideas

miauu's picture

That is strange. I also work

That is strange. I also work with max2009 and as you see on video, I don't have problems with groups. I will try to fiz that. :)

wmiler's picture

here did not work with

here did not work with objects in groups, I tested this and v11 did not work for grouped. But the rest is working very well.
Perhaps it might be my version of max 2009.
When I select the group and apply the visual script, appears to align the pivot points, but when I leave the visual script, pivot back to its old place.
But the script is wonderful, I'm using, thanks.

miauu's picture

The script works with grouped

The script works with grouped objects. Watch the last 33 seconds of video. :) If you mean something else, please be more specific. :)

wmiler's picture

very good

excellent script,
to be complete, lacking accept with grouped objects.
But it's very good.

miauu's picture

I am working on something

I am working on something else right now, but i will add this to the script as soon as possibel. :)

fajar's picture

it would be better if I can

it would be better if I can have exit button instead it dissapear by it self after one use/click.

Royal Ghost's picture

Very cool! It seems useful

Very cool! It seems useful for me. Thank you for sharing!

Royal Ghost |

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