World / Local coordinate system toogle

1 vote
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Igor Bessonov

macroScript CoordinatesToogle
category: "Scripts"
maniptype = toolMode.commandmode as string
varAxis = getRefCoordSys() as string
case of
(varAxis == "hybrid"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "screen"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "parent"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "local"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "gimbal"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "grid"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "working"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "world"): toolMode.coordsys #local

Additional Info: 

It scripts allows you to switch between world and local coordinate system

coordinatestoogle.ms559 bytes


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IgrBessonov's picture

Just drag it to 3dsMax

Just drag it to 3dsMax

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