Lines Sets(Lines Set_02)
In this chapter we change also the positions of the lines themselves during the vertices positions changing gradually..
s_array = $ as array
m = 60
for s = 1 to (s_array.count - 1) do
s1 = s_array[s]
s2 = s_array[s + 1]
d = distance s1 s2
h = d/ma
n = numknots s1
for i = 0 to m do
myshape = copy s1
for j = 1 to n do
p = getknotpoint s2 1 j
q = getknotpoint s1 1 j
v = p - q
d = distance p q
setknotpoint myshape 1 j (q + (i as float)/m * v)
updateshape myshape
centerpivot myshape
if s != 1 do dis = (distance s_array[1] s_array[s])
if s == 1 do dis = 0
myshape.pos = [10 * cos(10 * i),10 * sin(10 * i),(h * i) + dis]
r = eulerangles 0 0 (i * 3)
rotate myshape r
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Very cool stuff guys.
Very cool stuff guys.
John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)
new approach
Yeah, very good man... but
Yeah, very good man... but how to make the transition from one line to another?
3d Artist