
My blog

Project Switcher

Just uploaded a new script for quickly switching back and forth between different projects folders. They were new in 3dsmax and allow for relative path names (so you can quickly move an entire project to some other folder). Unfortunately, there is no history about previously used folders, and I my projects are deeply nested on the network so I wrote that script to be able to switch between the projects without browsing the entire network structure.

There seems to be a small bug in 3ds Max 2008. It causes projectSwitcher to always show a
Browse-Folder-Dialog when swichting projects. This can be fixed by manually editing the file Macro_SetProjectFolder.mcr in the <3dsmax_root>\ui\macroscripts directory and changing

local _SetProjectFolder_macro_option_promptUser
local _SetProjectFolder_macro_option_newFolder

in line 25 and 26 to

global _SetProjectFolder_macro_option_promptUser
global _SetProjectFolder_macro_option_newFolder

Save the .mcr file and restart 3ds Max. This should return normal functionality for projectSwitcher


Welcome My Blog

Http://1Vr.Cn  !!!  Welcome!

 Make Vr or Game,Like Program

Added a "recent comments" block

Thought this would make things a bit more interesting so we can all easily see any new comments posted on relevent content. Note that this is a separate list for 3ds max / sketchup users of course...

Welcome back...

In performing some regular database maintenance last night, your fearless leader, your "webmaster" managed to break permissions leading to the site going blank for everyone. Wow. Smooth move on my part.

Its fixed now (obviously) since you're reading this message. Back to your regularly scheduled programming... :-)



Implemented sorting when viewing tags...

Just implemented sorting when browsing by tag name... I am now trying to get sort into the search results...

FYI, I think I've sped up the site a bit with a couple optimizations. That said, I've got another server I'm testing to see if it is faster too...

Work has been a bit slow on the site lately...

I'm sure many of you have noticed a bit of a slowdown in site dev lately. Sorry about that. In the mean time I've been working on resolving many of the big issues I've been hearing in the forums / emails.

Mover Script

I posted an updated Mover script for SketchUp. It moves/copies groups or components by a user-settable distance.
See SketchUp Pro Ruby Forum for details.

Is V-Ray rendering allways so hard? Or... Are there acceleration methods or parameters?

Is V-Ray rendering allways so hard? Or... Are there acceleration methods or parameters?

I prefer Brazil RS: Don't you?

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