Adding multiple objects.....

Hi Everyone
how can i add 4 different objects instead of 1? for example the bottom script is only "L1"
but i want to add "L1" "L2" "L3" "L4"

someArray = for o in selection where == "L1" collect o
if someArray.count > 0 then rendTimeType = 3
else rendTimeType = 4 rendpickupframes = "1,2"



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Swordslayer's picture

Or someArray = #() +

Or someArray = #() + $selection...L1 + $selection...L2 + $selection...L3 + $selection...L4

miauu's picture


	namesArr = #("L1","L2","L3","L4")
	someArray = #()
	for n in namesArr do
		for o in selection where == n do append someArray o	
	format "someArray: % \n" someArray
Mrjacks2o's picture


Thanks for the Quick reply and help Miauu!!!!

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