align verts on hotkey

I have been trying to get a script that aligns vertices along and axis using the last selected vert as center and using modkeys to determine the direction.

I really need some help to get it functioning

macroScript flattentest2 category:"tools" toolTip:"flattentest2"
function getModKey =
	local resultData = #none
	if ( (not keyboard.shiftPressed) and (not keyboard.controlPressed) and (not keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
		resultData = #none
	else if ( (keyboard.shiftPressed) and (not keyboard.controlPressed) and (not keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
		resultData = #shift
	else if ( (not keyboard.shiftPressed) and (keyboard.controlPressed) and (not keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
		resultData = #ctrl
	else if ( (not keyboard.shiftPressed) and (not keyboard.controlPressed) and (keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
		resultData = #alt
	else if ( (keyboard.shiftPressed) and (keyboard.controlPressed) and (not keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
		resultData = #shiftctrl
	else if ( (not keyboard.shiftPressed) and (keyboard.controlPressed) and (keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
		resultData = #ctrlalt
	else if ( (keyboard.shiftPressed) and (keyboard.controlPressed) and (keyboard.altPressed) and (not keyboard.escPressed) ) then
		resultData = #shiftctrlalt
	return resultData
fn getObj =
	if selection.count == 1 then obj = selection[1] else undefined --if selection count is one then obj= selected
fn getoffset x y =
		d = y-x
		if x > y then
			if d > 0 then d else -d
			if d > 0 then -d else d
if getObj() != undefined do with undo "Align Vertices" on with redraw off --if object is not undefined
	nKey = getModKey() 
	testModifier = classOf $
			if testModifier == Editable_Poly then 
						selectedVert = polyOp.getVertSelection obj as array
			else if testModifier == PolyMeshObject do
						selectedVert = obj.Edit_Poly.GetSelection #Vertex as array
		max undo 
	testModifier = classOf $
			if testModifier == Editable_Poly then 
						selectedVert2 = polyOp.getVertSelection obj as array
						firstV= for i in selectedVert where finditem selectedVert2 i == 0 collect i
						firstVXYZ = polyOp.getVert obj firstvert[1] 
			else if testModifier == PolyMeshObject do
						selectedVert2 = obj.Edit_Poly.GetSelection #Vertex as array
						FirstV = for i in selectedVert where finditem selectedVert2 i == 0 collect i
						FirstVXYZ = obj.GetVertex firstvert[1] 
					print FirstV
					print FirstVXYZ
		max redo
		vertSel = obj.selectedVerts  --selected vertlist
			--Get the intended plane axis
			case nkey of (
					#none: n = [0,0,0]  
					#shift: n = [1,0,0]  --x?
					#ctrl:  n = [0,1,0]  --y?
					#alt:   n = [0,0,1]  --z?
			polyop.moveVertsToPlane obj vertSel n 0.0  --flatten  selection, vertlist, n=xy, orz 
			vert1 = pGetVert obj vertSel[1].index --defines vert1 as average of vert
			case nkey of (--offset based on average vs first vert
					#none: offset = [0,0,0]  
					#shift: offset = [(getoffset FirstV.x vert1.x),0,0]  -x?
					#ctrl:  offset = [0,(getoffset FirstV.y vert1.y),0] --y?
					#alt:   offset = [0,0,(getoffset FirstV.z vert1.z)] --z?
			polyop.moveVert obj vertSel offset --move selcted vert selection by offset


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greyocto's picture

lol maiuu beat me to it with

lol maiuu beat me to it with his new scriptpack

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