Collect Images in material

Is there an easy way to collect all the images used within a material?

for example:

- diffuse = image.jpeg
- bump = image2.png
- opacity = images5.png


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JokerMartini's picture


is there a way I can delete it?

bitmapsArr = getClassInstances BitmapTexture asTrackViewPick:on
for tx in bitmapsArr where doesFileExist tx.anim.filename != true do
  --delete tx since the image is invalid

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

Anubis's picture

here is...

here is a function posted by Denis.

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

fajar's picture

anubis : are you bobo in

anubis : are you bobo in 2011, many usefull post posted by you gratefull for that.

thanks anubis.

Anubis's picture

thanks for the nice words!

haha, many thanks! but bobo is titan and i think i not yet deserve so high praise :)

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

JokerMartini's picture

Thank you Anubis for the

Thank you Anubis for the quick response. I'm working on a easier way of duplicating a shader and swatching out images randomly from a desired folder.


John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

mjbg's picture

havent tryied this much but

havent tryied this much but this should do it

source_mtl = meditMaterials[1]
arrayImages = #()
for o in 1 to (getNumSubTexmaps source_mtl) do
	if classof (getSubTexmap source_mtl o) == Bitmaptexture do
	append arrayImages ((getSubTexmapSlotName (source_mtl) o)+" = "+((getSubTexmap source_mtl o).filename))
Anubis's picture


mat = meditMaterials[1]
btxs = getClassInstances BitmapTexture target:mat asTrackViewPick:on
imgs = for tx in btxs where doesFileExist tx.anim.filename collect tx.anim.filename

you can check this topic as well.

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

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