how to find out map type of a texture

for m in bitmaps do


print m.?????????


 when I use print bitmaps

I get


But I need





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add me to your skype! My skype name is also
I need to go out, but when I come, I will ask you about payment methods!
Thank you, you really deserve money for your knowledge!'s picture

How much to pay!!!!!

I need instead of

Texture: \\S003\all\3d\maps\maps\6_3_9_D.jpg
MAP TREE: Multimaterial\Blend\Multimaterial\Diffuse\Color_Correction\


Base material Multimaterial
Texture: \\S003\all\3d\maps\maps\6_3_9_D.jpg
MAP TREE: Blend\Multimaterial\VrayMtl\Diffuse\Color_Correction\

Everything else works fine!!!!

Swordslayer's picture

( struct matDef (mat,

	struct matDef (mat, path)
	local getSubmats, subMats = #()
	fn capitalizeFirst str =
		toUpper str[1] + subString str 2 -1
	fn formatName mat index: =
		if isKindOf mat TextureMap OR index == unsupplied then
			capitalizeFirst ((classOf mat) as string) + "\\"
		else (substituteString (getSubTexmapSlotName mat index) " map" "") + "\\"
	fn getSubmatsRecurse mat matInst path:"" =
		for propName in (getPropNames mat) do
			local prop = getProperty mat propname
			if superClassOf prop == Material then
				getSubmats prop path:path \
					format:(capitalizeFirst (propname as string) + "\\" + formatName prop)
			else if classOf prop == ArrayParameter do
				for sub = 1 to prop.count where superClassOf prop[sub] == Material do 
					getSubmats prop[sub] path:path \
						format:("Map" + sub as string + "\\" + formatName prop[sub])
	fn getSubmats mat path:"" format:"" =
		local matInst = matDef mat:mat path:(path + format)
		append subMats matInst
		getSubmatsRecurse mat matInst path:(path + format)
	fn recurseMat mat path:"" =
		for i = 1 to (getNumSubTexmaps mat)
			where (local map = getSubTexmap mat i) != undefined do
				if getNumSubTexmaps map > 0 then
					recurseMat map path:(path + formatName mat index:i)
				else if isKindOf map BitmapTexture do
					format "Texture: %\n" map.filename
					format (path + formatName mat index:i + "\n\n") 
	local current_mtl = mEdit.getCurMtl()
	local subMatInsts = getSubmats current_mtl
	format "\nBase material: %\n\n" (classOf current_mtl)
	for matInst in subMatInsts do
		recurseMat matInst.mat path:("MAP TREE: " + matInst.path)
Swordslayer's picture

That's what happens when I

That's what happens when I drop a single argument.. oh well, another iteration:

	struct matDef (mat, path)
	local getSubmats, subMats = #()
	fn capitalizeFirst str =
		toUpper str[1] + subString str 2 -1
	fn formatName mat index: =
		if isKindOf mat TextureMap OR index == unsupplied then
			capitalizeFirst ((classOf mat) as string) + "\\"
		else (substituteString (getSubTexmapSlotName mat index) " map" "") + "\\"
	fn getSubmatsRecurse mat matInst path:"" =
		for propName in (getPropNames mat) do
			local prop = getProperty mat propname
			if superClassOf prop == Material then
				getSubmats prop path:path
			else if classOf prop == ArrayParameter do
				for sub in prop where superClassOf sub == Material do 
					getSubmats sub path:path
	fn getSubmats mat path:"" =
		local matInst = matDef mat:mat path:path
		append subMats matInst
		getSubmatsRecurse mat matInst path:(path + formatName mat)
	fn recurseMat mat path:"" =
		for i = 1 to (getNumSubTexmaps mat)
			where (local map = getSubTexmap mat i) != undefined do
				if getNumSubTexmaps map > 0 then
					recurseMat map path:(path + formatName mat index:i)
				else if isKindOf map BitmapTexture do
					format "Texture: %\n" map.filename
					format (path + formatName mat index:i + "\n\n") 
	local current_mtl = mEdit.getCurMtl()
	local subMatInsts = getSubmats current_mtl
	format "\nBase material: %\n\n" (classOf current_mtl)
	for matInst in subMatInsts do
		recurseMat matInst.mat path:("MAP TREE: " + matInst.path)
)'s picture

I want to make such a script:

smth like in image

for every ID it's texture paths with it's collor range in bg

script.jpg 70.79 KB's picture

I will pay

tell me how much!'s picture

Thx but smth missing


Base material: Multimaterial
Texture: \\S003\all\3d\maps\maps\6_3_9_D.jpg
MAP TREE: Multimaterial\Diffuse\Color_Correction\
Texture: \\S003\all\3d\maps\maps\6_3_9_S.jpg
MAP TREE: Multimaterial\VRayMtl\
Texture: \\S003\all\3d\maps\maps\6_3_9_B.jpg
MAP TREE: Multimaterial\VRayMtl\
Texture: \\S003\all\3d\maps\maps\6_3_9_S.jpg
MAP TREE: Multimaterial\VRayMtl\
Texture: \\S003\all\3d\maps\maps\6_3_9_D.jpg
MAP TREE: Multimaterial\VRayMtl\

in other vrayMtl diffuse, bump reflection etc's picture

close to finish

I've excluded the word map inside "diffuse map" "bump map" etc,

	struct matDef (mat, path)
	local subMats = #()
	fn capitalizeFirst str =
		toUpper str[1] + subString str 2 -1
	fn formatName mat index: =
		if isKindOf mat TextureMap OR index == unsupplied then
			capitalizeFirst ((classOf mat) as string) + "\\"
		else  (substituteString (getSubTexmapSlotName mat index) " map" "") + "\\"
	fn getSubmatsRecurse mat matInst path:"" =
		for propName in (getPropNames mat) do
			local prop = getProperty mat propname
			if superClassOf prop == Material do
				local matInst = matDef mat:prop path:path
				append subMats matInst
				getSubmatsRecurse prop matInst path:(path + formatName prop)
			if classOf prop == ArrayParameter do
				for sub in prop where superClassOf sub == Material do 
					local matInst = matDef mat:sub path:path
					append subMats matInst
					getSubmatsRecurse sub matInst path:(path + formatName sub)
	fn getSubmats mat =
		local matInst = matDef mat:mat path:""
		append subMats matInst
		getSubmatsRecurse mat matInst path:(formatName mat)
	fn recurseMat mat path:"" =
		for i = 1 to (getNumSubTexmaps mat)
			where (local map = getSubTexmap mat i) != undefined do
				if getNumSubTexmaps map > 0 then
					recurseMat map path:(path + formatName mat index:i)
				else if isKindOf map BitmapTexture do
					format "Texture: %\n" map.filename
					format (path + (substituteString (getSubTexmapSlotName mat i) " map" "") + "\\\n\n") 
	local current_mtl = mEdit.getCurMtl()
	local subMatInsts = getSubmats current_mtl
	format "\nBase material: %\n\n" (classOf current_mtl)
	for matInst in subMatInsts do
		recurseMat matInst.mat path:("MAP TREE: " + matInst.path)

the result:

Texture: \\S003\all\3d\maps\maps\6_3_9_D.jpg
MAP TREE: Multimaterial\Blend\Multimaterial\Diffuse\Map\

but I still can't figure out how to put color corect instead of "Map"

It worked in your second script that you wrote at 1st page. - here:

	local bitmaps = getClassInstances BitmapTexture
	fn capitalizeFirst str =
		str[1] = toUpper str[1]
	fn getTopMats sub =
		for item in refs.dependents sub
			where isKindOf item Material collect item
	fn recurseMats mats map previous:#() =
		for mat in mats do
			for i = 1 to (getNumSubTexmaps mat)
				where getSubTexmap mat i == map do
					local topMats = getTopMats mat
					if topMats.count > 0 then
						recurseMats topMats mat previous:(join #(capitalizeFirst ((classOf mat) as string) + "/" + getSubTexmapSlotName mat i) previous)
						format "\tSlot name: %"       (substituteString (getSubTexmapSlotName mat i) " map" "")
						for each in previous do format "/%" each
						format "\n" 
	for bmp in bitmaps do
		local mats = getTopMats bmp
		format "\nTexture: %\n" bmp.filename
		recurseMats mats bmp
Swordslayer's picture

Yeah, my fault: ( struct

Yeah, my fault:

	struct matDef (mat, path)
	local getSubmats, subMats = #()
	fn capitalizeFirst str =
		toUpper str[1] + subString str 2 -1
	fn formatName mat index: =
		if isKindOf mat TextureMap OR index == unsupplied then
			capitalizeFirst ((classOf mat) as string) + "\\"
		else (substituteString (getSubTexmapSlotName mat index) " map" "") + "\\"
	fn getSubmatsRecurse mat matInst path:"" =
		for propName in (getPropNames mat) do
			local prop = getProperty mat propname
			if superClassOf prop == Material then
				getSubmats prop path:path
			else if classOf prop == ArrayParameter do
				for sub in prop where superClassOf sub == Material do 
					getSubmats sub path:path
	fn getSubmats mat path:"" =
		local matInst = matDef mat:mat path:path
		append subMats matInst
		getSubmatsRecurse mat matInst path:(path + formatName mat)
	fn recurseMat mat path:"" =
		for i = 1 to (getNumSubTexmaps mat)
			where (local map = getSubTexmap mat i) != undefined do
				if getNumSubTexmaps map > 0 then
					recurseMat map path:(path + formatName mat index:i)
				else if isKindOf map BitmapTexture do
					format "Texture: %\n" map.filename
					format (path + formatName mat + "\n\n") 
	local current_mtl = mEdit.getCurMtl()
	local subMatInsts = getSubmats current_mtl
	format "\nBase material: %\n\n" (classOf current_mtl)
	for matInst in subMatInsts do
		recurseMat matInst.mat path:("MAP TREE: " + matInst.path)
)'s picture

hurraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, yay

I'm so glad that you helped me! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGS! Finallllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy! I will just try to exclude the word map and to put color corect inside

Texture: \\S003\all\3d\maps\maps\6_3_9_D.jpg
MAP TREE: Multimaterial\Blend\Multimaterial\Diffuse map\Map\

where diffuse map\Map\
has to be Diffuse\Color_corect
I'm not sure that I can but I will really try

but everything else works perfectly!

Thank you Swordslayer! I will give you this plugin that I'm making now, and your name will be there like a very GOOD supporter!

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