Distance - store three nearest Vertices to given Vertex .... Getting Crazy :D

Hoi Folks,
Im building a conform script and i struggle a lot how to get the three nearest vertices to a given vertice in one iteration. I coded a little thing to get it for two but Im hardly confused how to do it. Any help would be really nice . Greetings EliderDeli

local oldDistance = 1e9
local oldDistance2 = 1e9
local oldDistance3 = 1e9

indexNearestVertice = undefined

first = 0
second = 0
third = 0
myList = refObj.selectedVerts

for i=1 to myList.count by 1 do

distanceO = calculatdistance myList[i].pos SelectedVerticeID.pos

if (distanceO < oldDistance) then
second = first
first = myList[i]
oldDistance = distanceO
if (distanceO < oldDistance2 && distanceO != oldDistance) then second = myList[i]


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jahman's picture


collect pairs of distance and index and then sort by distance

delete objects
obj = plane widthsegments:10 lengthsegments:10 isSelected:true
addModifier obj (Noisemodifier strength:[10,10,0] scale:11 fractal:on )
convertToMesh obj
pt = point pos:(obj.center + [0,0,3]) centermarker:on cross:off wirecolor:yellow
setVertSelection obj #{32..80}
subObjectLevel = 1
fn sortByDist a b = (
	if a[1] < b[1] then -1 else if a[1] > b[1] then 1 else 0
pairs = for v in getVertSelection obj collect #( distance pt.pos (GetVert obj v), v )
qsort pairs sortByDist
closestIndexes = #{ pairs[1][2], pairs[2][2], pairs[3][2] }
for v in closestIndexes do point pos:(GetVert obj v + [0,0,1]) centermarker:on cross:off wirecolor:green
EliderDeli's picture

Wow thank you very much this

Wow thank you very much this was extremly helpfull for me.

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