dotnet btns to max menu

srry for "HARD" questions :)

Is it possible?

btns2menu.jpg78.47 KB
groups_interface.jpg42.38 KB


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I was talking about

Outliner! I still didn't understand what is it! Can it be used somehow instead of rollout, or I missunderstood this? About max, I agree, and only about max - all thigs in this world become worse. And even the quality of people! It's good that in this forum there are good people :) - I HOPE!!!'s picture

and now

can you talk more about that please?

barigazy's picture


Talk about what? We can talk more then week about max2k14 new "features" ei.bugs. :)


barigazy's picture


theses are new "features" from earlier


miauu's picture

Yep, MAx2014 can't dosk

Yep, MAx2014 can't dock/undock rollouts with dotnet controls. Crash every time. You can try with Outliner.

barigazy's picture


whether the outliner works? I did not try jet.

bga's picture

wow, it's working!

dotNet.loadAssembly @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\WindowsFormsIntegration.dll"
rollout wpfRefresh_RLT "" width:70 height:220
	dotNetControl eh "Integration.ElementHost" width:70 height:500 align:#left offset:[-14,-5]
	local doRefresh = true
	on wpfRefresh_RLT open do
		uc = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Controls.UserControl"
		eh.child = uc
		sp = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel"
		for i = 1 to 10 do
			btn = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Controls.Button"
			btn.height = 20
			btn.content = "button " + i as string
			sp.children.add btn
		uc.content = sp
	-- refresh the elementHost whenever it's "Paint" event is triggered
	on eh Paint args do
		if doRefresh then
			doRefresh = false
			doRefresh = true
createDialog wpfRefresh_RLT style:#(#style_toolwindow,#style_sysmenu,#style_resizing)
cui.RegisterDialogBar wpfRefresh_RLT style:#(#cui_floatable,#cui_dock_left,#cui_handles  )
cui.DockDialogBar wpfRefresh_RLT #cui_dock_left

it can be placed on the left or right! It's already a good begining! I don't just know how to place it on top menu like in my picture! If it's difficult I can refuse from this idea!

barigazy's picture

Max2014 crash when you try

Max2014 crash when you try this. Also try to undock now if you can :)
to dock on the top

cui.DockDialogBar wpfRefresh_RLT #cui_dock_top

bga's picture


a single tool, I mean that whenever you want you can get them back from max menu, and they will remain connected! Some may prefer to put it vertically on the right or left hand!

barigazy's picture


Rollout can't be put inside max menu only macrobuttons (not .net). But you can dock rollout as it is.Only problem is how to undock roll with .net buttons.That's tricky part. I suggest you to leave it as float dialog.
I posted on cgtalk a solution by James Haywood and DenisT also have en As in the pocket.
Take a look these thread.


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