Float compare problem

Hello people,

i have the following script:

rollout SelectVertexTool "SelectVertexTool" width:204 height:276
groupBox grp1 "Select Vertex Tool" pos:[8,8] width:188 height:260
editText Lz "" pos:[80,33] width:110 height:24
label lbl1 " Z" pos:[19,37] width:56 height:19
editText Lx "" pos:[80,64] width:110 height:24
label lbl2 " X" pos:[19,68] width:56 height:19
editText Ly "" pos:[80,95] width:110 height:24
label lbl3 " Y" pos:[19,99] width:56 height:19
button btn1 "DO!" pos:[24,144] width:160 height:104

on btn1 pressed do
zValue = Lz.text as float
xValue = Lx.text as float
yValue = Ly.text as float
local vert_selection = #{}
local base_obj = $.baseobject
local num_verts = polyop.getNumVerts base_obj

if Lz.text != "" do (
for f = 1 to num_verts do
vert_pos = polyop.getVert base_obj f
vert_posZ = vert_pos.z as float
vert_posZ = vert_posZ
print vert_posZ
if zValue == vert_posZ do (
print "asdsadasdasd"
vert_selection[f] = true
print zValue
if Lx.text != "" do (
for f = 1 to num_verts do

vert_pos = polyop.getVert base_obj f
vert_posX = vert_pos.x as float
if vert_posX == xValue do (
vert_selection[f] = true

if Ly.text != "" do (
for f = 1 to num_verts do
vert_pos = polyop.getVert base_obj f
vert_posY = vert_pos.y as float
if vert_posY == yValue do (
vert_selection[f] = true

polyop.setVertSelection base_obj vert_selection
max modify mode
modPanel.setCurrentObject base_obj
subobjectlevel = 1

VTool = newRolloutFloater "SelectVertexTool" 225 300
addrollout SelectVertexTool VTool

The problems is that the comparisation does not work.
If the vertex position is for example 3.3631, and i put that in the textbox. the if does not seem to get that the two values are the same.
value 0.0 works

i have tried everything but i'm getting kinda hopeless...

perhaps any1 can help me out..

Many thanks in advance


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martinskinner's picture

Check your system units. Hi,

Check your system units.

Hi, I had look at your script and tried it out. I had a little trouble at first too.

I think it's a unit miss-match. So i did the good old
b = box() -- this creates a box 25 units square
as my object, calapsed it to a poly, and then tried entering 25.0 in your Z edittext and hitting GO!, it worked fine; selecting the top verts at suboject level.

Return your units type to generic and they should match up.

Hope this was of help.


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