function for stretchy bones

Hi, everyone
I am new in maxscript and I want to create a stretchy leg. I have made a function, it works very well, but when I restart 3dsmax, I have many of errors. I need help, please. Here is the code:


--freeze transform as function
fn FreezeTransformA item =
local CurObj = item

if classof CurObj.rotation.controller != Rotation_Layer do

-- freeze rotation
CurObj.rotation.controller = Euler_Xyz()
CurObj.rotation.controller = Rotation_list()
CurObj.rotation.controller.available.controller = Euler_xyz()

-- "Localization on" --

CurObj.rotation.controller.setname 1 "Frozen Rotation"
CurObj.rotation.controller.setname 2 "Zero Euler XYZ"

-- "Localization off" --

CurObj.rotation.controller.SetActive 2
if classof CurObj.position.controller != Position_Layer do

-- freeze position
CurObj.position.controller = Bezier_Position()
CurObj.position.controller = position_list()
CurObj.position.controller.available.controller = Position_XYZ()

-- "Localization on" --

CurObj.position.controller.setname 1 "Frozen Position"
CurObj.position.controller.setname 2 "Zero Pos XYZ"

-- "Localization off" --

CurObj.position.controller.SetActive 2

-- position to zero
CurObj.Position.controller[2].x_Position = 0
CurObj.Position.controller[2].y_Position = 0
CurObj.Position.controller[2].z_Position = 0

--FreezeTransform $

select $*
for i in selection do
freezeTransformA i

-- Create IK solver

ptA = point box: on name:"ThighUp" cross:off
ptB =point box: on name:"ThighDown" cross:off

$thighup.pos = $bone001.pos
$thighDown.pos = $bone003.pos
$bone001.parent = $thighUp
ab = IKSys.ikChain $bone001 $bone003 "IKHISolver" = "ikleg"

$ikleg.transform.controller.goalSize = 10

$thighDown.parent = $Ikleg

Function StretchyBonesLegs Bone01 Bone02 Bone03 PointA PointB =
-- store lengths of bones
LengthA = Bone01.length
LengthB = Bone02.length

total = LengthA + LengthB

bone02.pos.controller.Zero_Pos_XYZ.controller.X_Position.controller = float_script()
bone02.pos.controller.Zero_Pos_XYZ.controller.X_Position.controller.AddNode "pointA" PointA
bone02.pos.controller.Zero_Pos_XYZ.controller.X_Position.controller.AddNode "pointB" PointB
bone02.pos.controller.Zero_Pos_XYZ.controller.X_Position.controller.script =
"total = LengthA + LengthB
dist = (distance pointA pointB)
if dist > total then (
xPos = ((dist - total)/2)
) else (
xPos = 0)"

bone03.pos.controller.Zero_Pos_XYZ.controller.X_Position.controller = float_script()
bone03.pos.controller.Zero_Pos_XYZ.controller.X_Position.controller.AddNode "pointA" PointA
bone03.pos.controller.Zero_Pos_XYZ.controller.X_Position.controller.AddNode "pointB" PointB
bone03.pos.controller.Zero_Pos_XYZ.controller.X_Position.controller.script =
"total = LengthA + LengthB
dist = (distance PointA PointB)
if dist > total then (
xPos = ((dist - total)/2)
) else (
xPos = 0)"

StretchyBonesLegs $Bone001 $Bone002 $Bone003 $ThighUp $ThighDown


Thank you very much

Marcos Meneghetti


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4698to's picture


-- $thighDown.parent = $Ikleg

$Ikleg.parent = $thighDown

ZalitZ's picture

Hi, the main problem is when

the main problem is when you store the length of each bone. Your variables LengthA and LengthB are created only when you use StretchyBonesLegs the first time. When the scene is reloaded, they don't exist anymore. You should store them the same way you store pointA and PointB, with addnode, then access the length from your floatscript. That way, they will be accessible all the time, even if you change the name of your bones.

There was a a weird rotation of the Ik bones when i restarted, so I aligned $thighup with the first bone.

--freeze transform as function
fn FreezeTransform item = --Apply a freeze transform on selected items	
	local CurObj = item	
	if classof CurObj.rotation.controller != Rotation_Layer do
		-- freeze rotation		
		CurObj.rotation.controller = Euler_Xyz() 		
		CurObj.rotation.controller = Rotation_list() 			
		CurObj.rotation.controller.available.controller = Euler_xyz() 		
		/* "Localization on" */  
		CurObj.rotation.controller.setname 1 "Frozen Rotation" 		
		CurObj.rotation.controller.setname 2 "Zero Euler XYZ" 		
		/* "Localization off" */  
		CurObj.rotation.controller.SetActive 2 		
	if classof CurObj.position.controller != Position_Layer do
		-- freeze position
		CurObj.position.controller = Bezier_Position() 			
		CurObj.position.controller = position_list() 			
		CurObj.position.controller.available.controller = Position_XYZ() 	
		/* "Localization on" */  
		CurObj.position.controller.setname 1 "Frozen Position" 	
		CurObj.position.controller.setname 2 "Zero Pos XYZ" 			
		/* "Localization off" */  
		CurObj.position.controller.SetActive 2 		
		-- position to zero
		CurObj.Position.controller[2].x_Position = 0
		CurObj.Position.controller[2].y_Position = 0
		CurObj.Position.controller[2].z_Position = 0
	return true
fn Start = 
	-- Create IK solver
	ptA = point box: on name:"ThighUp" cross:off
	ptB =point box: on name:"ThighDown" cross:off
	$thighup.transform = $bone001.transform
	$thighDown.pos = $bone003.pos
	$bone001.parent = $thighUp
	BonesList = for i in $Bone001 collect i
	select BonesList
	for i in selection do
	FreezeTransform i
	-- Create IK solver
	ab = IKSys.ikChain $bone001 $bone003 "IKHISolver" = "ikleg"
	$ikleg.transform.controller.goalSize = 10
	$thighDown.parent = $Ikleg
fn StretchyBonesLegs target Bone01 Bone02 PointA PointB =
	local boneCtrl = target.pos.controller.Zero_Pos_XYZ.controller.X_Position.controller = float_script()
	boneCtrl.AddNode "pointA" PointA
	boneCtrl.AddNode "pointB" PointB
	boneCtrl.AddNode "Bone01" Bone01
	boneCtrl.AddNode "Bone02" Bone02
	boneCtrl.script =
	"total = Bone01.length + Bone02.length
	dist = (distance pointA pointB)
	if dist > total then (
	xPos = ((dist - total)/2)
	) else (
	xPos = 0)"
StretchyBonesLegs $Bone002 $Bone001 $Bone002 $ThighUp $ThighDown
StretchyBonesLegs $Bone003 $Bone001 $Bone002 $ThighUp $ThighDown

I optimized your code a little.

It works but if you want to scale the whole armature, make sure you multiply your distances by that scale value in your script, otherwise it will be broken.

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