Help! I'm trying to adapt some code from Miauu but having trouble

Maxscript Rollout Handler Exception --unable to convert: undefined to string
Hi I've been working on my RockMaker script adding a number of changes and have become stuck.
I got some help from Miauu via a snippet he posted as a reply to my begging for help.
1. I have had some success integrating most of it into my script but need the presets to load on script run.
2. I also need to feed the presets back into the scripts spinners.
3. If there's no ini file in place the script fails so I need to set some conditions here as well.
4. I have a lot of spinners that have a lot of checking to see if the Rock has been deleted or not. Is it possible to enclose all of these in one check instead of 19 little ones, or do I make them un enabled instead? I'm enjoying the challenges this has posed so far but my medication must be too strong as my mind is drawing a blank lol So any and all help appreciated

Author:  Luke Pettit
e-mail:  [email protected]
Date:  01/09/2010-06/04/2011  v 2.1
Date:	17/07/2011 v 2.5
Based on a tutorial by Sascha Henrichs
if ((rockRollout != undefined) and (rockRollout.isDisplayed)) do (destroyDialog rockRollout)
iniFile = getFilenamePath (getSourceFileName()) + "/rockMaker.ini"
global allSavedPresets = (readValue ((getINISetting iniFile "Presets" "names") as stringStream))
rollout rockRollout "Rock Maker v2.5"
	--	change the arrays values to save the new preset with new values
	local rockSet = #(200,5,3,6,30,200,200,true,false,3,110,3,110,1.5,0.8,30,100,270,6,30,100,10,10)
	local mRoc, mTurb, mTS, mDM1, mDM2, mNGD, mNFD
	spinner spn_Size "Rock Size: " pos:[58,24] width:110 height:16 range:[1,1000,100] type:#float
	spinner spn_Segs "Segments: " pos:[58,46] width:110 height:16 range:[1,10,5] type:#integer
	spinner spnItt1 "TS Iteration: " pos:[58,68] width:110 height:16 range:[0,10,3] type:#integer
	spinner spnRit "TSR Iteration: " pos:[58,89] width:110 height:16 range:[0,100,6] type:#integer
	GroupBox grSize "Rock size" pos:[8,8] width:168 height:107
	GroupBox grDis "Displace Basic Shape" pos:[184,8] width:168 height:206
	spinner spnStr1 "Strength: " pos:[235,24] width:110 height:16 range:[-1000,10000,130] type:#float
	spinner spxOff "X Offset: " pos:[235,47] width:110 height:16 range:[1,10000,100] type:#integer
	spinner spzOff "Z Offset: " pos:[235,69] width:110 height:16 range:[1,10000,100] type:#integer
	radiobuttons radBut "" pos:[208,89] width:58 height:32 labels:#("Circular", "Chips") default:1 columns:1 across:1
	checkbox chkFrac "Fractal " pos:[279,94] width:57 height:15 checked:false
	spinner spnItt4 "Iterations: " pos:[235,124] width:110 height:16 enabled:false range:[1,100,3] type:#integer 
	spinner spcSize "Cell Size: " pos:[235,146] width:110 height:16 range:[1,10000,110] type:#float
	spinner spcSpr "Spread: " pos:[235,168] width:110 height:16 range:[0.1,10,1.5] type:#float
	spinner spnMidT "Mid Threshold: " pos:[235,190] width:110 height:16 range:[0.1,1,0.8] type:#float
	GroupBox grp1 "Displace Medium Details" pos:[8,120] width:168 height:64
	spinner spnStr2 "Strength: " pos:[58,137] width:110 height:16 range:[-1000,1000,30] type:#float
	spinner spcSize2 "Cell Size: " pos:[58,160] width:110 height:16 range:[1,1000,100] type:#float
	GroupBox grp2 "Noise Grain Detail" pos:[8,190] width:168 height:90
	spinner spnSca "Scale: " pos:[58,208] width:110 height:16 range:[1,1000,270] type:#float
	spinner spnItt2 "Iterations: " pos:[58,232] width:110 height:16 range:[1,100,6] type:#integer 
	spinner spnStr3 "StrenghtXYZ: " pos:[58,256] width:110 height:16 range:[1,100,30] type:#float
	GroupBox grp3 "Noise Fine Detail" pos:[8,288] width:168 height:89
	spinner spnSca2 "Scale: " pos:[58,305] width:110 height:16 range:[1,1000,100] type:#float
	spinner spnItt3 "Iterations: " pos:[58,328] width:110 height:16 range:[1,100,10] type:#float
	spinner spnStr4 "StrenghtXYZ: " pos:[58,352] width:110 height:16 range:[1,100,10] type:#float
	button dRock "Delete Rock" pos:[185,219] width:70 height:20 toolTip:"Press this button to delete the Rock" 
	button btn_pivot "Pivot C/B" pos:[260,219] width:75 height:20  toolTip:"Press this button to place the pivot to the base or centre"
	button btn_pHelp "?" width:13 pos:[340,219] height:20 toolTip:"Pivot help"
	button btnRockMe "Rock Me!" pos:[185,243] width:167 height:25 toolTip:"Press this button to create a Rock" --Button creation		
	button lpRock "Make Low Poly" pos:[185,272] width:80 height:20 toolTip:"Make low poly rock from selection"
	button btn_Bake "RTT" pos:[272,272] width:80 height:20 toolTip:"Open the Render to Texture Dialog"
	button cAbout "About" pos:[185,297] width:80 height:18 toolTip:"About" 
	button cExit "Exit" pos:[272,297] width:80 height:18 toolTip:"Press this button to close the Rock Maker" 
	label lbl_no1 "=====================" pos:[185,317]
	dropdownList LoadPresets "" items:allSavedPresets pos:[185,333] width:167 height:10
	button btn_DelPreset "Delete Presets"pos:[185,359] width:78 height:18 toolTip:"Delete presets"
	button btn_SavePresets "Save Presets" pos:[272,359] width:78 height:18 toolTip:"Save presets"
	on btnRockMe pressed do
		for obj in selection do 
			delete obj
		mRoc = box length:spn_Size.value width:spn_Size.value height:spn_Size.value pos:[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] \
		lengthsegs:spn_Segs.value widthsegs:spn_Segs.value heightsegs:spn_Segs.value isSelected:true 
		mRoc.mapcoords = true = uniqueName "Rock"
		mRS = (spherify())
		addModifier mRoc mRS
		mTS = (turbosmooth iterations:spnItt1.value useRenderIterations:true renderiterations:spnRit.value)
		addModifier mRoc mTS
		mDM1 = (displace name:"Displace Basic Shape" strength:spnStr1.value maptype:2.0)
		addModifier mRoc mDM1
		mDM2 = (displace name:"Displace Medium Details" strength:spnStr2.value maptype:2.0 )
		addModifier mRoc mDM2
		mNGD =	(Noisemodifier name:"Noise Grain Detail" scale:spnSca.value  fractal:on iterations:spnItt2.value)
		addModifier mRoc mNGD
		mNFD = (Noisemodifier name:"Noise Fine Detail" scale:spnSca2.value fractal:on iterations:spnItt3.value)
		addModifier mRoc mNFD
		addModifier mRoc (FFDBox ())
		setDimensions mRoc.modifiers[#FFD_box__4x4x4] [2,2,3] = Cellular() = [spxOff.value, 0.0, spxOff.value] =  (color 0 0 0)  = 5.8 =  (color 158 158 158) = (color 112 112 112) = 0 = off = spnItt4.value = spcSize.value = spcSpr.value = spnMidT.value = noise() = 1 = spcSize2.value = 0.9 = 0.2 = 10.0
		mRoc.Noise_Grain_Detail.strength = [spnStr3.value, spnStr3.value, spnStr3.value]
		mRoc.Noise_Fine_Detail.strength = [spnStr4.value, spnStr4.value, spnStr4.value]
	on spn_Size changed val do
		if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
			mRoc.length = mRoc.width = mRoc.height = val
		on spnStr1 changed val do
			if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
				mDM1.strength = val
			on spn_Segs changed val do
				if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
					mRoc.lengthsegs = mRoc.widthsegs = mRoc.heightsegs = val
				on spnItt1 changed val do
					if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
						mTS.iterations = val
					on spnRit changed val do
						if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
							mTS.renderiterations = val
	on spxOff changed val do
		if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
		( = [val, 0.0, spzOff.value]
		on spzOff changed val do
			if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
			( = [spxOff.value, 0.0, val]
			on radBut changed state do
				if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
				( = state - 1
				on chkFrac changed state do
					if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
					( = state
						if state == on then 
						spnItt4.enabled = true
						spnItt4.enabled = false
					on spnItt4 changed val do
						if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
						( = val
						on spcSize changed val do
							if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
							( = val
	on spcSpr changed val do
		if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
		( = val
		on spnMidT changed val do
			if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
			( = val
			on spnStr2 changed val do
				if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
					mDM2.strength = val
				on spcSize2 changed val do
					if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
					( = val
						on spnSca changed val do
							if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
								mNGD.scale = val
							on spnItt2 changed val do
								if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
									mNGD.iterations = val
	on spnStr3 changed val do
		if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
			mRoc.Noise_Grain_Detail.strength = [val, val, val]
		on spnSca2 changed val do
			if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
				mNFD.scale = val	
			on spnItt3 changed val do
				if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
					mNFD.iterations = val
				on spnStr4 changed val do
					if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc do
						mRoc.Noise_Fine_Detail.strength = [val, val, val]
		on dRock pressed do -- when btn is pressed do...
			if (selection.count>0) then
				for obj in selection do
					delete obj
					messagebox "You must have at least one Rock selected!" title:"Computer says no..." beep:false
		on cExit pressed do
			destroyDialog rockRollout
			on btn_pivot pressed do
				if mRoc != undefined and not isdeleted mRoc then
					ResetPivot mRoc
					CenterPivot mRoc
					for i in selection do 
							i.pivot = [i.pivot.x, i.pivot.y, i.min.z]
					mRoc.pos = [0,0,0]
				)else (messagebox "You must have at least one Rock selected!" title:"Computer says no..." beep:false)
			on btn_pHelp pressed do
				messageBox "The Pivot C/B button works in two ways\n\n1. If the rock is not selected then it will centre the pivot to the rock\n    and centre the rock to pos:[0,0,0]\n2. If the rock is selected it will place the pivot to the bottom\n    of the rock and centre the rock to pos:[0,0,0]" title:"[email protected]" beep:false
	on btn_SavePresets pressed do
		rollout editTextSaveP "Save Presets"
			local presetName = undefined
			editText edittxt_prst_name "" bold:true 
			button btn_SavePrst "Save"
			on editTextSaveP open do
				allSavedPresets = (readValue ((getINISetting iniFile "Presets" "names") as stringStream))
			on edittxt_prst_name entered txt do
				if txt != "" then 
					presetName = txt as string
			on btn_SavePrst pressed do
				if allSavedPresets.count !=0 then
					store = allSavedPresets
					store = #() as array
				if rockSet != 0 then
					append store presetName
					setIniSetting iniFile "Presets" "names" (store as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spn_Size" (spn_Size.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spn_Segs" (spn_Segs.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnItt1" (spnItt1.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnRit" (spnRit.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnStr1" (spnStr1.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spxOff" (spxOff.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spzOff" (spzOff.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "radBut" (radBut.state as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "chkFrac" (chkFrac.state as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnItt4" (spnItt4.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spcSize" (spcSize.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spcSpr" (spcSpr.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnMidT" (spnMidT.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnStr2" (spnStr2.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spcSize2" (spcSize2.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnSca" (spnSca.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnItt2" (spnItt2.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnStr3" (spnStr3.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnSca2" (spnSca2.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnItt3" (spnItt3.value as string)
					setIniSetting iniFile presetName "spnStr4" (spnStr4.value as string)
					allSavedPresets = (readValue ((getINISetting iniFile "Presets" "names") as stringStream))
					LoadPresets.items = allSavedPresets
					messagebox "You can not creat empty preset!"
				destroydialog editTextSaveP
		createdialog editTextSaveP
		on btn_DelPreset pressed do
			prstToDelName = LoadPresets.selected
			prstToDelNumb = LoadPresets.selection
			if prstToDelNumb > 1 then
				allSavedPresets = (readValue ((getINISetting iniFile "Presets" "names") as stringStream))
				delIniSetting iniFile prstToDelName
				deleteItem allSavedPresets prstToDelNumb
				setIniSetting iniFile "Presets" "names" (allSavedPresets as string)
				LoadPresets.items = allSavedPresets
				LoadPresets.selection = prstToDelNumb-1
				newPrstToShow = prstToDelNumb-1
				allSavedPresets = (readValue ((getINISetting iniFile "Presets" "names") as stringStream))
				if prstToDelNumb != 2 then
					print newPrstToShow
		on LoadPresets selected itm do
			if itm != 1 then
				print itm
	on lpRock pressed do --make low poly Rock, clone Rock and unwrap and add projection modifier
			max modify mode
			theBox = mRoc
			theCopy = copy theBox --create a copy of the first box, store in a variable = uniquename ( + "Copy") --rename the copy
			theCopy.modifiers[#TurboSmooth].iterations = 0
			convertToPoly theCopy
			select theCopy
			theUnw = Unwrap_UVW () 
			addModifier theCopy theUnw
			modPanel.setCurrentObject theCopy.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW]
			SubObjectlevel = 1 
			theCopy.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap2.setIgnoreBackFaceCull off
			theCopy.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap6.selectVerticesByNode #{1..730} $
			theCopy.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap2.fitRelax 50 0.1
			theCopy.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap6.selectVerticesByNode #{1..730} $
			theCopy.modifiers[#unwrap_UVW].unwrap2.scaleSelectedCenter 0.98 0
			theProj = ProjectionMod() --create a projection modifier
			addModifier theCopy theProj
			theProj.addObjectNode theBox
			theProj.addRegisteredProjectionType 1
			theProj.projectProjectionType 1
	on btn_Bake pressed do try( "Render" "BakeDialog")catch()
	on cAbout pressed do 
		messageBox "Script by Luke Pettit\n\n\nBased on the Sascha Henrichs Tutorial\n" title:"[email protected]" beep:false
createdialog rockRollout 360 385 pos:[800, 135]
new_rockmaker3.ms16.23 KB
rockmaker.ini_.deletethisbit.ms1.39 KB


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lucpet59's picture

Wooo Hoooo fantastic miauu

Wooo Hoooo fantastic miauu thanks a lot. It turns out one of the many problems was my ini file that I was using, it also had something wrong with it, which was causing me errors I couldn't understand.

miauu's picture

Here the solution for 1,2 and

Here the solution for 1,2 and 3 :) The script will generate the ini file if it not exist. :)


AttachmentSize 18.86 KB

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