How to assign hotkey for these commands? (vertices properties in spline)

These command list below in this image. Spline \ corner, bezier, smooth, etc... Haven't figure out to assign hotkey to any of them. I know rightclick menu is quite fast, but for some tasks in my current work, those command need to execute a lot of time and I prefer hotkey than context menu.

And I know how to assign hotkey/shortcut key in 3ds max for other commands. Normal way is rightclick>customize>Keyboard tab, pick the right Category (or Group), then navigate to the wanted command, assign a letter/symbol,key to it. But these vertex command such as corner, bezier... I couldn't find out in entire list of commands in 3ds max. They must be somewhere there but I can't find. Could this issue be solved with a little script or..?


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tahir1983's picture

wonderfull! but if add undo

wonderfull! but if add undo it will be excellently!

jahman's picture


you need to modify these macro a little for undo to work

if classOf curO == SplineShape or classOf curO == Line do
			convertToSplineShape curO
			splinesCnt = numSplines curO
miauu's picture


macroscript miauuConertSplineKnotsToSmooth
tooltip:"Convert Knots to Smooth"
buttonText:"Convert Knots to Smooth"
	if selection.count == 1 do
		curO = selection[1]
		if classOf curO == SplineShape or classOf curO == Line do
			splinesCnt = numSplines curO
			for ss = 1 to splinesCnt do
				selKnotsArr = getKnotSelection curO ss
				for k in selKnotsArr do
					setKnotType curO ss k #smooth
			updateShape curO
macroscript miauuConertSplineKnotsToCorner
tooltip:"Convert Knots to Corner"
buttonText:"Convert Knots to Corner"
	if selection.count == 1 do
		curO = selection[1]
		if classOf curO == SplineShape or classOf curO == Line do
			splinesCnt = numSplines curO
			for ss = 1 to splinesCnt do
				selKnotsArr = getKnotSelection curO ss
				for k in selKnotsArr do
					setKnotType curO ss k #corner
			updateShape curO
macroscript miauuConertSplineKnotsToBezier
tooltip:"Convert Knots to Bezier"
buttonText:"Convert Knots to Bezier"
	if selection.count == 1 do
		curO = selection[1]
		if classOf curO == SplineShape or classOf curO == Line do
			splinesCnt = numSplines curO
			for ss = 1 to splinesCnt do
				selKnotsArr = getKnotSelection curO ss
				for k in selKnotsArr do
					setKnotType curO ss k #bezier
			updateShape curO
macroscript miauuConertSplineKnotsToBezierCorner
tooltip:"Convert Knots to BezierCorner"
buttonText:"Convert Knots to BezierCorner"
	if selection.count == 1 do
		curO = selection[1]
		if classOf curO == SplineShape or classOf curO == Line do
			splinesCnt = numSplines curO
			for ss = 1 to splinesCnt do
				selKnotsArr = getKnotSelection curO ss
				for k in selKnotsArr do
					setKnotType curO ss k #bezierCorner
			updateShape curO

If you don't like the category or the names/tooltips of the macros - change them.

nnq2603's picture

Return some errors.

I get this error:

MAXScript MacroScript Error Exception
-- Runtime error: Spline operation on non-spline: Rectangle

Edit Spline modifier above Rectangle. How to add Edit Spline object to script? (beside spline and line)

miauu's picture


I can't find how to add support for Editable Spline modifier.

nnq2603's picture

Thanks for detailed answer.

Thanks a lot, miauu. I'll use it and get back later if there's any problem (probably there's not).

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