How to skip (continue) missing map warning while rendering

I have tried (quite: true)......but it stops there....I want the render to "continue" while skipping that message. Any solution?


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Goonda's picture

Here the

Here the script:

		renderers.production = Default_Scanline_Renderer ()
			select geometry
			local matnew= standardMaterial showInViewport:true 
			$.mat = matnew = "New"
		global thePathSS = "C:\\"
		rollout nm "Normal_Map" width:194 height:424
			pickbutton btn_high "High_Poly" pos:[60,24] width:68 height:20 enabled: false
			label lbl_high "select the highpoly mesh" pos:[26,50] width:135 height:17
			pickbutton btn_low "Low_Poly" pos:[59,76] width:72 height:21 enabled:false
			label lbl_low "select the low poly mesh" pos:[25,103] width:144 height:20
			GroupBox grp1 "Select Meshes" pos:[8,8] width:176 height:119
			button btn_path "Select Path" pos:[56,165] width:80 height:32
			label lbl_path "C:\\" pos:[16,203] width:160 height:16
			GroupBox grp2 "Path" pos:[8,153] width:176 height:72
			dropdownList ddl_dimension "Dimension" pos:[13,235] width:171 height:40 items:#("32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096")
			radiobuttons qualrad "" pos:[29,305] width:118 height:32 labels:#("low", "medium", "high", "best") columns:2
			GroupBox grp3 "Quality" pos:[9,283] width:175 height:64
			checkbox chk_auto " Auto Unwrap" pos:[37,133] width:120 height:16
			button btn_render "Render" pos:[44,383] width:101 height:29
			spinner spn_cagedist "" pos:[110,355] width:52 height:16 range:[-100,100,2]
			label lbl_cagedist "Cage Distance:" pos:[28,355] width:78 height:22
			on btn_high picked o do
				if superclassof o == geometryclass and classof o != bonegeometry then 
					lbl_high.text =
					select o
					global highpoly = o
					messagebox "Select a mesh" title: "Wrong Selection"  beep:true
			on btn_low picked obj do
				if superclassof obj == geometryclass and classof obj != bonegeometry then
					lbl_low.text =
					select obj
					global lowpoly = obj
					messagebox "Select a mesh" title: "Wrong Selection"  beep:true
			on btn_path pressed do
				global thePathSS = getSavepath()
				if thePathSS != undefined then 
						lbl_path.text = thePathSS
						btn_low.enabled = true
						btn_high.enabled = true
						messagebox "No path defined" title: "Path Not Defined"  beep:true
			fn unwrapNormAuto obj =
				flattenAngle = 45.0
				flattenSpacing = 0.02
				flattenRotate = true
				flattenFillHoles = true
				unwrapMod = unwrap_UVW()
				unwrapMod.setAlwaysEdit false
				unwrapMod.setMapChannel 1
				unwrapMod.setFlattenAngle flattenAngle 
				unwrapMod.setFlattenSpacing flattenSpacing 
				unwrapMod.setFlattenNormalize true
				unwrapMod.setFlattenRotate flattenRotate 
				unwrapMod.setFlattenFillHoles flattenFillHoles 
				unwrapMod.setApplyToWholeObject true = "Automatic Flatten UVs"
				unwrapMod.setDebugLevel 0
				setAppData unwrapMod 0x41dd73d5 #object
				addModifier obj unwrapMod
				unwrapMod.flattenMapByMatID flattenAngle flattenSpacing true 2 flattenRotate flattenFillHoles 
			fn bakeNorm =
				size = ddl_dimension.selected as integer
				cagedistance = spn_cagedist.value
				ambientColor = color 255 255 255	
				converttopoly lowpoly
				local theProj = ProjectionMod() 
				theProj.addObjectNode highpoly
				theProj.pushCage cagedistance
				theProj.addRegisteredProjectionType 1
				theProj.projectProjectionType 1
				theProj.ignoreBackfacing = true
				addModifier lowpoly theProj
				lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.bakeEnabled = true 
				lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.bakeChannel = 1 
				lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.nDilations = 4 "Render" "BakeDialog"
				wascancelled = false
				local be1 = NormalsMap() 
				be1.outputSzX = be1.outputSzY = size
				be1.fileType = (thePathSS+"\\""_""_normal.png")
				be1.fileName = filenameFromPath be1.fileType
				be1.enabled = true
				be1.useNormalBump = true
				be1.targetMapSlotName = "diffuse"
				lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.addBakeElement be1
				local NormDiff = bitmaptexture filename:be1.fileType
				lowpoly.material = standardmaterial diffuseMap:NormDiff showInViewport:true 
				local vfb = render rendertype:#bakeSelected outputwidth:size outputheight:size  cancelled:&wascancelled quiet:true 
				for obj in geometry do
					m = obj.modifiers.count
					for i=1 to m do
						for m in obj.modifiers do
						if classOf m==Project_Mapping_Holder do deleteModifier obj m
				deletemodifier lowpoly 1
				try (	destroyDialog gTextureBakeDialog)catch()
				close vfb
				global thePathSS = "C:\\"
				destroydialog nm
			fn qual =
				case qualrad.state of
						1: (renderers.production.globalSamplerEnabled = false; renderers.production.globalSamplerClassByName = "Max 2.5 Star"; renderers.production.globalSamplerQuality = 0.1 ; scanlinerender.antiAliasfilter = Area())
						2: (renderers.production.globalSamplerEnabled = true ; renderers.production.globalSamplerClassByName = "Max 2.5 Star"; renderers.production.globalSamplerQuality = 0.1; scanlinerender.antiAliasfilter = Area())
						3: (renderers.production.globalSamplerEnabled = true; renderers.production.globalSamplerClassByName = "Hammersley"; renderers.production.globalSamplerQuality = 0.5; scanlinerender.antiAliasfilter = Area())
						4: (renderers.production.globalSamplerEnabled = true; renderers.production.globalSamplerClassByName = "Hammersley"; renderers.production.globalSamplerQuality = 1.0; scanlinerender.antiAliasfilter = Catmull_Rom())
			on btn_render pressed do
				if chk_auto.checked == false then
					unwrapNormAuto lowpoly
		createDialog nm 
MKlejnowski's picture

This should fix your issue.

This should fix your issue. Its not a clean fix but i found it useful for occasion like this. I figured you just want the default button to be pressed so i just pulled some code i found online a while back. Couldn't tell you where i got it but i know i saved it. It uses dialogMonitorOps and uiAccessor to pretty interact with UI dialogs that come up. I would love to explain in more detail how it works but I just know it works and haven't really dabbled in it to deeply to have a keen understanding of it but this should fix your issue ATM

here is your new code with it implemented

		renderers.production = Default_Scanline_Renderer ()
			select geometry
			local matnew= standardMaterial showInViewport:true 
			$.mat = matnew = "New"
		global thePathSS = "C:\\"
		rollout nm "Normal_Map" width:194 height:424
			pickbutton btn_high "High_Poly" pos:[60,24] width:68 height:20 enabled: false
			label lbl_high "select the highpoly mesh" pos:[26,50] width:135 height:17
			pickbutton btn_low "Low_Poly" pos:[59,76] width:72 height:21 enabled:false
			label lbl_low "select the low poly mesh" pos:[25,103] width:144 height:20
			GroupBox grp1 "Select Meshes" pos:[8,8] width:176 height:119
			button btn_path "Select Path" pos:[56,165] width:80 height:32
			label lbl_path "C:\\" pos:[16,203] width:160 height:16
			GroupBox grp2 "Path" pos:[8,153] width:176 height:72
			dropdownList ddl_dimension "Dimension" pos:[13,235] width:171 height:40 items:#("32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096")
			radiobuttons qualrad "" pos:[29,305] width:118 height:32 labels:#("low", "medium", "high", "best") columns:2
			GroupBox grp3 "Quality" pos:[9,283] width:175 height:64
			checkbox chk_auto " Auto Unwrap" pos:[37,133] width:120 height:16
			button btn_render "Render" pos:[44,383] width:101 height:29
			spinner spn_cagedist "" pos:[110,355] width:52 height:16 range:[-100,100,2]
			label lbl_cagedist "Cage Distance:" pos:[28,355] width:78 height:22
			on btn_high picked o do
				if superclassof o == geometryclass and classof o != bonegeometry then 
					lbl_high.text =
					select o
					global highpoly = o
					messagebox "Select a mesh" title: "Wrong Selection"  beep:true
			on btn_low picked obj do
				if superclassof obj == geometryclass and classof obj != bonegeometry then
					lbl_low.text =
					select obj
					global lowpoly = obj
					messagebox "Select a mesh" title: "Wrong Selection"  beep:true
			on btn_path pressed do
				global thePathSS = getSavepath()
				if thePathSS != undefined then 
						lbl_path.text = thePathSS
						btn_low.enabled = true
						btn_high.enabled = true
						messagebox "No path defined" title: "Path Not Defined"  beep:true
			fn unwrapNormAuto obj =
				flattenAngle = 45.0
				flattenSpacing = 0.02
				flattenRotate = true
				flattenFillHoles = true
				unwrapMod = unwrap_UVW()
				unwrapMod.setAlwaysEdit false
				unwrapMod.setMapChannel 1
				unwrapMod.setFlattenAngle flattenAngle 
				unwrapMod.setFlattenSpacing flattenSpacing 
				unwrapMod.setFlattenNormalize true
				unwrapMod.setFlattenRotate flattenRotate 
				unwrapMod.setFlattenFillHoles flattenFillHoles 
				unwrapMod.setApplyToWholeObject true = "Automatic Flatten UVs"
				unwrapMod.setDebugLevel 0
				setAppData unwrapMod 0x41dd73d5 #object
				addModifier obj unwrapMod
				unwrapMod.flattenMapByMatID flattenAngle flattenSpacing true 2 flattenRotate flattenFillHoles 
			fn bakeNorm =
				size = ddl_dimension.selected as integer
				cagedistance = spn_cagedist.value
				ambientColor = color 255 255 255	
				converttopoly lowpoly
				local theProj = ProjectionMod() 
				theProj.addObjectNode highpoly
				theProj.pushCage cagedistance
				theProj.addRegisteredProjectionType 1
				theProj.projectProjectionType 1
				theProj.ignoreBackfacing = true
				addModifier lowpoly theProj
				lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.bakeEnabled = true 
				lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.bakeChannel = 1 
				lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.nDilations = 4 "Render" "BakeDialog"
				wascancelled = false
				local be1 = NormalsMap() 
				be1.outputSzX = be1.outputSzY = size
				be1.fileType = (thePathSS+"\\""_""_normal.png")
				be1.fileName = filenameFromPath be1.fileType
				be1.enabled = true
				be1.useNormalBump = true
				be1.targetMapSlotName = "diffuse"
				lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.addBakeElement be1
				local NormDiff = bitmaptexture filename:be1.fileType
				lowpoly.material = standardmaterial diffuseMap:NormDiff showInViewport:true 
				 dialogMonitorOps.unRegisterNotification id:#test
					fn checkDialog = 
						local hwnd = dialogMonitorOps.getWindowHandle()
						if (hwnd == 0) then ( false )
						else (
						format "==================================================\n"
						format "%\n" hwndText
						local children = uiAccessor.getChildWindows hwnd
						format "--------------------------------------------------\n"
						for child in children do (
						format "%\n" (uiAccessor.getWindowText child)
						format "==================================================\n"
					dialogMonitorOps.enabled = true
					dialogMonitorOps.interactive = false
					dialogMonitorOps.registerNotification checkDialog id:#test
					local vfb = render rendertype:#bakeSelected outputwidth:size outputheight:size  cancelled:&wascancelled --quiet:true 
					dialogMonitorOps.enabled = false
					dialogMonitorOps.unRegisterNotification id:#test
				for obj in geometry do
					m = obj.modifiers.count
					for i=1 to m do
						for m in obj.modifiers do
						if classOf m==Project_Mapping_Holder do deleteModifier obj m
				deletemodifier lowpoly 1
				try (	destroyDialog gTextureBakeDialog)catch()
				close vfb
				global thePathSS = "C:\\"
				destroydialog nm
			fn qual =
				case qualrad.state of
						1: (renderers.production.globalSamplerEnabled = false; renderers.production.globalSamplerClassByName = "Max 2.5 Star"; renderers.production.globalSamplerQuality = 0.1 ; scanlinerender.antiAliasfilter = Area())
						2: (renderers.production.globalSamplerEnabled = true ; renderers.production.globalSamplerClassByName = "Max 2.5 Star"; renderers.production.globalSamplerQuality = 0.1; scanlinerender.antiAliasfilter = Area())
						3: (renderers.production.globalSamplerEnabled = true; renderers.production.globalSamplerClassByName = "Hammersley"; renderers.production.globalSamplerQuality = 0.5; scanlinerender.antiAliasfilter = Area())
						4: (renderers.production.globalSamplerEnabled = true; renderers.production.globalSamplerClassByName = "Hammersley"; renderers.production.globalSamplerQuality = 1.0; scanlinerender.antiAliasfilter = Catmull_Rom())
			on btn_render pressed do
				if chk_auto.checked == false then
					undo On
					undo On
						unwrapNormAuto lowpoly
		createDialog nm 
Goonda's picture

Wow....Although I didn't know

Wow....Although I didn't know how but its working....Thanks a lot!!! I will try to understand the script...!!

MKlejnowski's picture

Dialog monitor ops is just a

Dialog monitor ops is just a feature in maxscript which allows you to interact with different dialogs that appear.

Here is how it works in your case....Correct me if i'm wrong anyone.

this line of code unregister any dialogMonitorOps with the id:#test. Just good practice to unregister before you register a new one.

dialogMonitorOps.unRegisterNotification id:#test

The function it self is the action that will happen when the monitor ops realizes that a dialog has popped up. The code uiaccessor is used to to interact with the dialog. Since the confirm button is the default button when the dialog shows up i just used the uiaccessor.pressdefaultbutton() function

					fn checkDialog = 
						local hwnd = dialogMonitorOps.getWindowHandle()
						if (hwnd == 0) then ( false )
						else (
						format "==================================================\n"
						format "%\n" hwndText
						local children = uiAccessor.getChildWindows hwnd
						format "--------------------------------------------------\n"
						for child in children do (
						format "%\n" (uiAccessor.getWindowText child)
						format "==================================================\n"

From here on out you just turn on the dialog ops and make it so it does the work for you. You also register previous function to run if a dialog appears.

dialogMonitorOps.enabled = true
dialogMonitorOps.interactive = false
dialogMonitorOps.registerNotification checkDialog id:#test

At this point you run the script which usually stop because of some form of dialog. In your case it was the line below. I went ahead and commented out the quiet since you do want the dialog to appear.

local vfb = render rendertype:#bakeSelected outputwidth:size outputheight:size  cancelled:&wascancelled --quiet:true

Once thats done you just turn off the dialog ops and unregister your function again

dialogMonitorOps.enabled = false
dialogMonitorOps.unRegisterNotification id:#test 
barigazy's picture

You should write a book if

You should write a book if you start to explain the whole process. :)
By the way, great code


MKlejnowski's picture

i wish i could take credit

i wish i could take credit for it but I can't. I would like to dig a little deeper into it but for now i never had to have more than confirm buttons being pushed.

MKlejnowski's picture

What max version are you

What max version are you running in? I just applied a bitmap on an obj in 2011. then moved the bitmap into a new folder and tried render() which gave me the "continue" dialog. Then I tried render quiet:true the dialog did not appear. I noticed you spelled "quiet" incorrectly in your post which leads me to believe you have spelled it wrong in your code. It would still run and not throw up an error so check that first.

Goonda's picture

Thanks for the reply

Thanks for the reply MKlejnowski.....sorry I spelt it wrong here....but in the script it is correct.....the problem is when I am using my script....some missing texture message comes....if I press "continue"....the rest of the script is running fine.....same thing when I try to do with "quiet:true" dosent show any error....but stops the script there!!

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