Instances in sweep modifier

Hi there

I have a quistion regarding custom shapes in the sweep modifier (instance shapes).
The custom shape I will be using have a modifier in the stack (ex. Edit_Spline).

When I add my sweep manually both the baseobject and the modifier is an instance (see the link).

But when I use my script only the baseobject is an instance:

sweep01 = sweep()
profil = $Rectangle001
addmodifier $ sweep01
sweep01.CustomShape = 1
sweep01.shapes[1] = profil
sweep01.AssignCSType = 2
sweep01.PivotAlignment = 5

What am I missing here?



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fajar's picture

addmodifier $ (copy sweep01)

you want a copy insted?

sweep01.CustomShape = 1
sweep01.shapes[1] = $Circle001
sweep01.AssignCSType = 2
sweep01.PivotAlignment = 5
for i in selection do addmodifier i (copy sweep01)
PIXandDOTS's picture

Hello Fajar I want to get the

Hello Fajar

I want to get the same result as when I do the process manually, so that the top level in the modifier stack is an instance.


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