Make a 4 vertices poly with 3 selected vertices


I want to make a new poly face with 4 vertices with 3 selected vertices.
( see pict )

SV = #()
SV = polyOp.getVertSelection $ as array
pt1 = polyOp.getVert $ SV[1]
pt2 = polyOp.getVert $ SV[2]
pt3 = polyOp.getVert $ SV[3]
DIST = pt3 - pt2   --- here
NP =  pt1 + DIST   --- and here
pt4 = polyop.createVert $ NP
append SV pt4
polyOp.createPolygon $ #( SV[1] , SV[2] , SV[3] , SV[4])

It works in some situation, but as I'm a s### in maths, I don't know how to locate the 4th vertex in space...
If anybody could help. Thanks.

makeface.jpg61.56 KB


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jahman's picture


I'd prefer scripted example scene instead of the vid

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