Material and Libraries management

Hi everyone

I'm creating a small script to manage material inside libraries and instance them in the slate editor.

But for now i'm stuck with two things:

- I can import a material in the slate viewport directly from a library but I don't find how can I select it and put it in the parameter editor

- I'd like to sort materials inside the library by alphabetical order

If any of you have any ideas, you are welcome :)


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SugaR's picture

Thanks this will be helpful

Thanks this will be helpful :)

SugaR's picture

I said that because for the

I said that because for the parameter editor, the only thing I missed what this line:
sme.SetMtlInParamEditor mtl

So when I saw it in your post, I realized I was very tired and I could not think well enough, beacuse actually that was pretty simple... So you now, when you can't think well, just take a good night :)

Otherwise you clearly saved me a lot of research so thanks :)

barigazy's picture


SME have too many limitations ei. it's not exposed in mxs as it should.
On this forum you can find a few useful topics about SME if you're interested.
Anyway if you want to see all available SME methods just type in Listener

showinterface sme


SugaR's picture

ok... Sometimes I think I

Sometimes I think I should just go to sleep...
Anyway a big thank for your help :)

barigazy's picture


Why? Now is time for action:)
Tell me is it my last post save your time or what? :)


SugaR's picture

Thanks a lot ! Yes the

Thanks a lot !

Yes the parameter editor:
in slate editor material, you have 4 views:
- Material/Map Browser
- The viewport
- Navigator
- Parameter Editor (where you change your material properties)

So when I load a material in the viewport, I'd also like to select it and load it in the parameter editor

Anyway, thanks again for your help

barigazy's picture



b = Box material:(standard name:"BoxMtl" diffuse:red)
mtl = b.material
activView = sme.GetView 1
activView.CreateNode mtl [0,0]
sme.SetMtlInParamEditor mtl
if not sme.IsOpen() do sme.Open()


barigazy's picture


In the "Parameter Editor"?
Anyway to sort materials in materialLibrary use this fn

fn sortMatLibMtlsByName mLib: =
	if (tmpLib = loadTempMaterialLibrary mLib) != undefined do
		local mtls = sort (for m in tmpLib collect
		local newLib = MaterialLibrary()
		for n in mtls where (idx = findItem tmpLib tmpLib[n]) != 0 do append newLib tmpLib[idx]
		if newLib.count == tmpLib.count do saveTempMaterialLibrary newLib mLib
sortMatLibMtlsByName mLib:@"c:\folder\anyMatlib.mat" -- change this filepath


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