[.Netframework] script that control object via serial port

hello, i am working on project that transferring data from micro-controller
using serial port to effect object in 3Ds max



and i have researched alot to find some maxscript similer to my project and i found this :-

	port = dotNetObject "System.IO.Ports.SerialPort" "COM3" 115200
	port.parity = port.parity.none
	port.databits = 8
	port.stopbits = port.stopbits.one
	port.handshake= port.handshake.RequestToSend
	 rollout MinImu "MinImuToMax"  width:90 height:150
	dotNetControl dn_labelPR "System.Windows.Forms.Label" text:"seconds" pos:[20,10] width:50 height:20
	dotNetControl textboxctrl "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox" pos:[20,30] width:50 height:30
	button Frames "Frames" width:50 height:20 
	button Start "Start" width:50 height:20
	button Stop "Stop" width:50 height:20
	on Frames pressed do 
	 	finSec = textboxctrl.text as integer
		finFrame = finSec * 25
		 animationRange = interval 0 finFrame 
	 on Start pressed do --the button
	 	finSec2 = textboxctrl.text as integer
		finFrame2 = finSec2 * 25	 
	for i= 1 to finFrame2 do
	 rotValue = port.ReadLine() as string
		 --encontramos las letras
		 r = findstring rotValue "r"
		 p = findstring rotValue "p"
		 y = findstring rotValue "y"
		 en = findstring rotValue "e"
		 --las convertimos en numeros float
		 r2 = r as float
		 p2 = p as float
		 y2 = y as float
		 en2 = en as float
		 --asignamos limites del substring	 
		 r3 = r2 + 1
		 p3 = p2 - 2
		 p4 = p2 + 1
		 y3 = y2 - p4 
		 y4 = y2 + 1
		 en3 = en2 - y4
		 --aislamos roll pitch yaw
		 roll = substring rotValue r3 p3
		 pitch = substring rotValue p4 y3
		 yaw = substring rotValue y4 en3
	     --convertimos roll pitch yaw en numeros float
		 rollValue = roll as float
		 pitchValue = pitch as float
		 yawValue = yaw as float
		 --imprimimos roll pitch yaw 
		--print rollValue
		--print pitchValue
		--print yawValue
		 --enviamos valores a la caja
		 if rollValue != undefined then
	 	$caja.rotation.controller.x_rotation = rollValue	
	 	 if pitchValue != undefined then
	 	$caja.rotation.controller.y_rotation = pitchValue *-1	
	 	 if yawValue != undefined then
	 	$caja.rotation.controller.z_rotation = yawValue *-1	
	 sliderTime += 1
	 on Stop pressed do
	createdialog MinImu

what i understood from that code, is that maxscript opens the port to receive data (COM3 for ex.) and then it searches for the line with r and read the coordinates to affect the object named caja

but the problem is that i always facing this message

" -- Unable to convert: undefined to type: Float "

i hope to find help here, i am a beginner at MaxScript

Hisham ..


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barigazy's picture


I don't know if this can solve your problem

local port = dotNetObject "System.IO.Ports.SerialPort" "COM3" 115200
port.parity = port.parity.none
port.databits = 8
port.stopbits = port.stopbits.one
port.handshake= port.handshake.RequestToSend
try(destroyDialog ::MinImu)catch()
rollout MinImu "MinImuToMax"
	dotNetControl dn_labelPR "System.Windows.Forms.Label" text:"seconds" pos:[20,10] width:50 height:20
	dotNetControl textboxctrl "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox" pos:[20,30] width:50 height:30
	button Frames "Frames" width:50 height:20 
	button Start "Start" width:50 height:20
	button Stop "Stop" width:50 height:20
	on Frames pressed do if textboxctrl.text != "" do
	 	finSec = textboxctrl.text as integer
		finFrame = finSec * 25
		animationRange = interval 0 finFrame 
	on Start pressed do --the button
		finSec2 = textboxctrl.text as integer
		finFrame2 = finSec2 * 25	 
		for i= 1 to finFrame2 do
			rotValue = port.ReadLine() as string
			--encontramos las letras
			r = findstring rotValue "r"
			p = findstring rotValue "p"
			y = findstring rotValue "y"
			en = findstring rotValue "e"
			--las convertimos en numeros float
			r2 = r as float
			p2 = p as float
			y2 = y as float
			en2 = en as float
			--asignamos limites del substring	 
			r3 = r2 + 1
			p3 = p2 - 2
			p4 = p2 + 1
			y3 = y2 - p4 
			y4 = y2 + 1
			en3 = en2 - y4
			--aislamos roll pitch yaw
			roll = substring rotValue r3 p3
			pitch = substring rotValue p4 y3
			yaw = substring rotValue y4 en3
			--convertimos roll pitch yaw en numeros float
			rollValue = roll as float
			pitchValue = pitch as float
			yawValue = yaw as float
			--imprimimos roll pitch yaw 
			--print rollValue
			--print pitchValue
			--print yawValue
			--enviamos valores a la caja
			if rollValue != undefined do $caja.rotation.controller.x_rotation = rollValue
			if pitchValue != undefined do $caja.rotation.controller.y_rotation = pitchValue *-1	
			if yawValue != undefined do $caja.rotation.controller.z_rotation = yawValue *-1
			completeRedraw() ; sliderTime += 1
	on Stop pressed do (port.Close())
createdialog MinImu 90 150 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow) ; ok


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