Recursive not inclduing files in root directory?


I have lifted this portion of script from the maxscript reference to loop through all .max files in a root folder and all child folders. The script processes .max files in child folders but not .max files in the root folder... could someone help me figure it out please?

--fn getFilesRecursive root pattern =
		dir_array = GetDirectories (root+"/*")
		for d in dir_array do
		join dir_array (GetDirectories (d+"/*"))
		my_files = #()
		for f in dir_array do
		join my_files (getFiles (f + pattern))
	location = getSavePath caption:"Files to process..."
 --get all .max files from the specified folder  --and all its subfolders:
getFilesRecursive location "*.max"  -- change the folder here


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miauu's picture


Try this:

	fn getFilesRecursive root pattern =
		dir_array = GetDirectories (root+"/*")
		for d in dir_array do
			join dir_array (GetDirectories (d+"/*"))
		join dir_array (GetDirectories root)
		my_files = #()
		for f in dir_array do
		join my_files (getFiles (f + pattern))
	location = getSavePath caption:"Files to process..."
	--get all .max files from the specified folder  --and all its subfolders:
	getFilesRecursive location "*.max"  -- change the folder here

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