Render element active or not ?

I can activate or deactivate render elements but I don't know how to check if render elements is active or not.
Anybody can help ? Thanks.


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miauu's picture


	elementMgr = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr()	
	numOfElements = elementMgr.NumRenderElements()
	if numOfElements != 0 then
		for index = 0 to (numOfElements - 1) do
			element = elementMgr.getRenderElement index		
			active = element.enabled
			format "element: % active: %\n" 	element	active	
titane357's picture

Hi Miauu, thanks for helping

Hi Miauu, thanks for helping ! :-)
My apologies, I wasn't precise enough in my question...
In fact it is the render element MANAGER that I have in mind.
I made a check button "CELEMENTS":
on CELEMENTS changed theState do
if CELEMENTS.checked==1 do
local reMgr = maxOps.getCurRenderElementMgr()
reMgr.SetElementsActive true
if CELEMENTS.checked==0 do
local reMgr = maxOps.getCurRenderElementMgr()
reMgr.SetElementsActive false
I want to update its state checking if render element MANAGER is active or not...

rem.jpg 72.32 KB
miauu's picture


	elementMgr = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr()		
	res = elementMgr.GetElementsActive()
	format "Active: % \n" res
titane357's picture

yesssss !!! Thank you very

yesssss !!! Thank you very much, works fine ! :-)

miauu's picture


I am glad to help. :)

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