Spinner control

Ferst question
In scene precent $Box01 and $Camera01 I want to control position of $Box01, by SPINNER
In MAXScript reference is example Spinner UI Control
utility foo "foo"
local myController=bezier_float()
spinner ball_radius "Ball radius" range:[0,1000,1] \
button apply "Apply Radius Controller"
on apply pressed do (
animate off at time 0 $ball.radius=myController.value
$ball.radius.controller=myController )
I rewrite it for my case
utility foo "foo"
local myController=bezier_float()
spinner box_position "box_position" range:[0,1000,1] \
button apply "Apply box_position Controller"
on apply pressed do (
animate off at time 0 $Box01.pos.Controller.x_position=myController.value
System massege: Unable to convert: Controller:Bezier_Float to type: Float

Second question

I want to change $Box01 position by the SPINNER in coordsys $Camera01
I try to write: in coordsys $Camera01 $Box01.pos.Controller.x_position
But this way unsuccessfully

Please HELP ME


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pixamoon's picture


try to change this line:




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