Weld and Smooth

Hi All,

I found this script for Weld and Smooth and for some reason it does not work with 3DS max 2014. I get an error "--Unable to covert:"" to type: controller"

If anyone can take a look at it and get it to work properly it would be greatly appreciated.


--Weld and Smooth--- Nicholas O'Leary www.nicholasoleary.com
macroScript WeldAndSmooth category:"Nood" tooltip:"weldAndSmooth" icon:#("standard", 1)
rollout WeldAndSmooth "WeldAndSmooth" width:225 height:194

spinner faceIDCount_spn "Max face count included" pos:[19,16] width:196 height:16 enabled:true range:[1,1e+007,100000] type:#integer scale:0.1 controller:""
spinner weldDistance_spn "weld distance" pos:[18,43] width:196 height:16 enabled:true range:[1,1e+006,0.01] type:#float scale:0.001 controller:""
spinner smoothingAngle_spn "smoothing angle" pos:[18,70] width:196 height:16 enabled:true range:[0,360,20] type:#float scale:0.1 controller:""
button evaluate_btn "evaluate" pos:[126,162] width:90 height:21

on evaluate_btn pressed do
objorig = $ as array
for i = 1 to (poo.count) do

vert_array =#()
poo = convertToPoly(objorig[i])
poo.autoSmoothThreshold = faceIDCount_spn.value smoothingAngle_spn.value
vertCount = polyop.getNumVerts poo
for j= 1 to (vertCount) do
append vert_array j
polyop.weldVertsByThreshold poo vert_array

polyop.setFaceSelection poo #all
poo.EditablePoly.autosmooth ()
print i
createDialog WeldAndSmooth 225 85


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eyepiz's picture

Is there any way to get this

Is there any way to get this script not to collapse to edit poly? I would help for scenes with lots of instances.

I appreciate any help!


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