Custom Script wanted, paid work

Hey Scripters, this is a simple gig, nothing too complicated. It will mostly be copying things from the Listener to make a sort of Macro. But here's what I need the Script to do, in this order preferably.

!! Script needs to run on 3ds Max 2013 !!

> Select all Geometry and reset Transform (may need to open Groups first)
> Group everything, and name the Group identical to the .max filename (without the .max file extension in the name)
> Put that on a Layer with the same name (and delete all other layers)
> Resource Collection, copy all maps to the same directory as the current .max file
> Strip all paths
> Export geometry as .fbx and .obj to the same directory as current .max file
> Merge in a camera from another .max file (the same one, every time)
> Apply render preset (the same one, every time)

Would love to see a quote for how much this might cost.


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miauu's picture


I sent you a PM.

Pivotal_3D's picture

I couldn't locate the PM, so

I couldn't locate the PM, so I've sent you my personal e-mail address through your website:
Hope we can work together on this thanks.

miauu's picture


I sent you an email. ;)

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