Can we write exif data with max scirpt

Hi there
I need a script that writes for example, max files location (on network or in local drive) and name, Camera name, renderer name and version etc to exif data of the rendered image.The script must run automatically with max.
Thanks in advance.


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barigazy's picture
savascetin's picture

Thank you

I will give it a try. But I do not want to display info in the image.
The problem of the info strip approach shows itself in animations, and image sequences. when you work in network in large projects, rendered images and originating files of that images start to mix up eventually. it does not have to be exif data strictly. A simple .txt file written in the render folder can also ease the problem.
Any other suggestions?

barigazy's picture

I think i find solution for

I think i find solution for you


savascetin's picture

Thanks again

Thank you I think that will do it.

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