Change Mesh Quality Presets for a bunch of Body Objects

Can anyone Help me to find a solution to this?
I imported from solidworks a bunch of objects in SAT format, they came into MAX as Body Objects. I want to select them at once and change the Mesh quality Presets (coarse, Medium, fine) in order to have more or less detail with out doing it individually.
If you know another technique, please.
thanks in advance.


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barigazy's picture


Just added few more options


bisara230's picture


It worked! thanks!
Man, that was fast!

barigazy's picture


Yes I know. :)
Are you saw that with this script you can change preset of the single object faster then you press preset button in modify panel.


barigazy's picture


Try this

try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "Body Object Quality"
	local presetProps = #(#LowQualityVDS, #MediumQualityVDS, #HighQualityVDS, #IsoAngleDS, #IsoChordHeightVDS, #FaceApproxAngleVDS, \
	#EdgeApproxAngleVDS, #FaceChordHeightVDS, #EdgeChordHeightVDS, #MaxEdgeLengthPctVDS)
	fn setMeshQuality objs mode: props:presetProps = if objs.count != 0 do
		if GetCommandPanelTaskMode() != #create do SetCommandPanelTaskMode #create
		local vals = case mode of
			#Coarse: #(on, off, off, 15, 0, 30, 0, 1, 0, 0)
			#Medium: #(off, on, off, 7, 0, 15, 0, .1, 0, 0)
			#Fine: #(off, off, on, 3, 0, 10, 0, .02, 0, 0)
		with redraw off for body in objs where isKindOf body Body_Object do
			for i = 1 to props.count do setProperty body presetProps[i] vals[i]
	group "Mesh Quality Presets:"
		button btn_c "Coarse" pos:[8,25] width:60 height:20
		button btn_m "Medium" pos:[70,25] width:60 height:20
		button btn_f "Fine" pos:[132,25] width:60 height:20
	on btn_c pressed do setMeshQuality selection mode:#Coarse
	on btn_m pressed do setMeshQuality selection mode:#Medium
	on btn_f pressed do setMeshQuality selection mode:#Fine
createDialog bgaRoll 200 55 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


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