Detach, align and replace Script needed

Hi, I looking for someone to create a script that meet my requirements. I ll pay for it, 100€ and feel free to post it as an Opensource after. I made a video, I try to explain what I m looking for:

The main purpose is to align and object along a triangle, or anything you think is better. 
But those object are imported LOOSING their pivot point (sorry)
Than I want to Replace or Place and align a serie of object in 3dsMax onto those object : Objet, Vproxy, Light.... as Instance or copy

Realy look at the video, because, my english is so so bad.

the video shows you what I Manually do, with of course takes forever
The first part in Archicad, is BEcause I want to Put some marker into that software, and use them into 3dsmax.









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barigazy's picture


Is it really necessary to detach triangles and reset these transform?
I already have solution on this forum in case when you have quads but also i'm have solution when you have triangles (not on forum).
Easier workflow will be.
- Detach all triangles that you need from your mesh object. This will be target object where on each triangle you can clone and align some scene object (source object).
- Select only one vert of each triangle to define direction ei. axis of orientation.
- And done


sedus69's picture

Triangle is just a suggestion

Triangle is just a suggestion because It help me into ARCHICAD to point a direction. as I need to keep of this orientation.

I can't have a solution where I need to select one vertex of every single triangle. It can be very long to select on each and every triangle.

My solution is to mass populate :
Import exact position of "Marker" to replace with (sometimes more than 80)
Import exact position of "Marker" to replace with object bench, garbage, Ceilling lamps...

I know I can Put them into 3dsmax directly, BUT, The plans I work with are HUGE. And it is far more easier for me to pu a "marker" into Archicad.

this is why I need to point a direction.
BUt as I export form Archicad every information about pivot point is lost.
But I still have UVWmap info on each face.

barigazy's picture


I sent you PM


sedus69's picture

Hi barigazy So sorry if you

Hi barigazy

So sorry if you answer me in PM, because I can'f find where Personnal message goes on this website.

I found them once, and... no more.

So If you write to me, can't remember where I write back to you.

miauu's picture


The PM from this site goes to the email that you used to register in the site. They can be in the SPAM folder.

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