I want to export script for summary info include object's volume...

Um..hello everyone!!! ^^

I don't know how make script....

But I need this function to work.

I want to make *.txt file include obj's volume information.

I know that file -> summary info command can export *.txt include information(ex.name,material...)

And.. I know that Utility -> measure command can calculate obj's volume.

So I want to add volume infomation to summary info...and export to *.txt.

Anyone know how to solve this problem...

Help me...please...^^

Thank you for your reading...(I can't speak English well....)


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Anton Berg's picture

Made a small script that

Made a small script that creates a text file with the objectname + volume and saves it on disk.

Just open the .zip file and drag n drop the .ms file onto a 3dsmax window.

Anton Berg

CreateVolumeText_v01.zip 943 bytes

Anton Berg

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