Please Modify This Script

Can u makes this script  working with selecting 2 objects and changing the two objects textures at the same time Smile ...




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nvidia2014's picture

thanks miauu .... works fine

thanks miauu .... works fine ...


mono channel output set to alpha

can u

change the 2nd texture / material property ( MONO CHANNEL OUTPUT To : Alpha Instead Of RGB Intensity ....

will pay / donate to you  :)



miauu's picture


Try this:

	global rol_worwhite
	try(destroyDialog rol_worwhite)catch()
	rollout rol_worwhite "miauu"
		local obj01 = undefined
		local obj02 = undefined
		local matDir01 = undefined
		local matDir02 = undefined
		checkButton chkbtn_obj01 "Get first object" width:150
		button btn_browse01 "Select folder with textures" width:150
		checkButton chkbtn_obj02 "Get second object" width:150 offset:[0,10]
		button btn_browse02 "Select folder with textures" width:150
		button btn_render "RENDER" enabled:false width:150 offset:[0,10]
		on chkbtn_obj01 changed state do
			if state then
				if selection.count == 1 and isValidNode selection[1] do obj01 = selection[1]
				obj01 = undefined
		on chkbtn_obj02 changed state do
			if state then
				if selection.count == 1 and isValidNode selection[1] do obj02 = selection[1]
				obj02 = undefined
		on btn_browse01 pressed do
			dir = getSavePath caption:"Select folder with textures"
			if dir != undefined do
				matDir01 = dir
				btn_browse01.tooltip = matDir01
				btn_render.enabled = true
		on btn_browse02 pressed do
			dir = getSavePath caption:"Select folder with textures"
			if dir != undefined do
				matDir02 = dir
				btn_browse02.tooltip = matDir02
				btn_render.enabled = true
		on btn_render pressed do
			local curObj = selection[1]
			local matFiles01Arr = getFiles (matDir01 + "\\*.bmp")	--	get only BMP files
			local matFiles02Arr = getFiles (matDir02 + "\\*.png")	--	get only PNG files
			if matFiles01Arr.count == matFiles02Arr.count then
				local originalOutPath = rendOutputFileName
				for m = 1 to matFiles01Arr.count do
					obj01.material = standardMaterial  diffuseMap: (Bitmaptexture fileName:matFiles01Arr[m]) showInViewport:true
					obj02.material = standardMaterial  diffuseMap: (Bitmaptexture fileName:matFiles02Arr[m] monoOutput:1) showInViewport:true
					outputPath = (getfilenamepath originalOutPath) + ( getFilenameFile(filenamefrompath originalOutPath)) + "_" + (m as string) + "_"  + (getFilenameType originalOutPath)
					rendOutputFileName =  outputPath
					rendSaveFile = true
					--	disable virtual frame buffer
					rendShowVFB = false
					max quick render
				messagebox "The count of the textures in folder01 and folder02 are different" title:""
	createdialog rol_worwhite

I've changed the file type of second object to PNG, because Alpha output works with file types that supports alpha. Change it as you need.

miauu's picture


I don't have time to test the script.
How to use it:
- select first object and press the Get First Object buton. Then select the folder wherer are plaved the textures for the first object.
- select the second object and do the same as for the first
- Important - the count of the textures in both folders(for the first and the second objects) must be the same. For example 101 textures in folder01 and 101 textures in folder02
- Open Render Setup dialog(hotkey F10) and select the width and height of the rendered images, the output path, the base name for rendered images and so on.
-Press the RENDER button.
The script save rendered images in the folder, specified in the Render Setup Dialog.

	global rol_worwhite
	try(destroyDialog rol_worwhite)catch()
	rollout rol_worwhite "miauu"
		local obj01 = undefined
		local obj02 = undefined
		local matDir01 = undefined
		local matDir02 = undefined
		checkButton chkbtn_obj01 "Get first object" width:150
		button btn_browse01 "Select folder with textures" width:150
		checkButton chkbtn_obj02 "Get second object" width:150 offset:[0,10]
		button btn_browse02 "Select folder with textures" width:150
		button btn_render "RENDER" enabled:false width:150 offset:[0,10]
		on chkbtn_obj01 changed state do
			if state then
				if selection.count == 1 and isValidNode selection[1] do obj01 = selection[1]
				obj01 = undefined
		on chkbtn_obj02 changed state do
			if state then
				if selection.count == 1 and isValidNode selection[1] do obj02 = selection[1]
				obj02 = undefined
		on btn_browse01 pressed do
			dir = getSavePath caption:"Select folder with textures"
			if dir != undefined do
				matDir01 = dir
				btn_browse01.tooltip = matDir
				btn_render.enabled = true
		on btn_browse02 pressed do
			dir = getSavePath caption:"Select folder with textures"
			if dir != undefined do
				matDir02 = dir
				btn_browse02.tooltip = matDir
				btn_render.enabled = true
		on btn_render pressed do
			local curObj = selection[1]
			local matFiles01Arr = getFiles (matDir01 + "\\*.bmp")	--	get only BMP files
			local matFiles02Arr = getFiles (matDir02 + "\\*.bmp")	--	get only BMP files
			if matFiles01Arr.count == matFiles02Arr.count then
				local originalOutPath = rendOutputFileName
				for m = 1 to matFiles01Arr.count do
					obj01.material = standardMaterial  diffuseMap: (Bitmaptexture fileName:matFiles01Arr[m]) showInViewport:true
					obj02.material = standardMaterial  diffuseMap: (Bitmaptexture fileName:matFiles02Arr[m]) showInViewport:true
					outputPath = (getfilenamepath originalOutPath) + ( getFilenameFile(filenamefrompath originalOutPath)) + "_" + (m as string) + "_"  + (getFilenameType originalOutPath)
					rendOutputFileName =  outputPath
					rendSaveFile = true
					--	disable virtual frame buffer
					rendShowVFB = false
					max quick render
				messagebox "The count of the textures in folder01 and folder02 are different" title:""
	createdialog rol_worwhite

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