put pivot to centre of object and X - 0


wanting a script to centre pivot of object and put it to X=0.

It ends up beings a three click process...script to simplify please.



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airbrush's picture



miauu's picture


This will works for selection of objects.

	if selection.count != 0 do with redraw off
		CenterPivot selection
                selection.pivot.x = 0
                -- if you want to use a loop
		-- for o in selection do o.pivot.x = 0
airbrush's picture

sorry..yes. world X position

sorry..yes. world X position i meant

miauu's picture


What X - 0 means?
World X or something else?
Can you show a picture?

-- put the object's pivot to objhect's center
centerPivot selection[1]
-- move the object's pivot to world X = 0
selection[1].pivot.x = 0

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