Rename texture name

The scene have many textures, but the texture name is not correct. I want to rename the textures, and the link of texture should be keep!

I'm sorry for my bad english,I wish you can understand it.

Can someone help me? So thanks!


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SmallGhost's picture

So thanks for your help!

I test it...

Yes,the bitmap name is changed,but the bitmap lost the link. The bitmap which is saved in disk is not changed name with it.

theMaps = getClassInstances BitmapTexture
for i in 1 to theMaps.count do
fileName = theMaps[i].filename
newFilename = getFilenamePath fileName + "\\map_" + i as string + getFilenameType fileName
if renameFile fileName newFilename then theMaps[i].filename = newFilename

this is someone help to change the bitmap name,but it can't change others except the diffuse channel....

Thank you for your help!

SmallGhost's picture

Thanks br0t! I will try it.

Thanks br0t!

I will try it.

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