Render Element Output

I just want a simple script that takes the current save location of the "Render Output" and updates all the render elements to the same location.


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crystal3d's picture

i am trying this script now

, cant get tile rendering with REs through deadline so...will try this

JokerMartini's picture

This is not working.

Here is the scenario. Set up a new scene with a sphere in it. Render Elements Specular, Diffuse, Lighting.
Main output path is set to folder names V01. All the elements are targets to V01 as well.

I made some lighting changes and then changed the main output path to folder V02. No elements updated to I ran this script and its still saying my main output path is still V01??????

function setUpRenderElements =
	MainSavePath = getFileNamePath rendOutputFilename
	print MainSavePath
 	re = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr()
	numb = re.numrenderelements() 
	for i=0 to (numb-1) do
		el = re.getrenderelement i
		currentFileName = (fileNameFromPath (re.GetRenderElementFileName i))
 		newDirectory = MainSavePath+"\\"+el.elementname
		if re.GetElementsActive() then makeDir newDirectory
		newFileName = newDirectory +"\\"+ currentFileName
		re.SetRenderElementFileName i newFileName 

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

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