Script To Delete/Off All Opacity Channel

I have a scene whee some of the materials have opacity map. The problem is the scene is too big for me to do it manually one by one.

Is there a script that can automate this?

Thanks in advance for any kind help


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asymptote's picture

Just tried with Standard and no Worky

Hey Barigazy...I'm baaaa-aaack. :)

Can't get this to work with standard mats. Listener reports OK not nothing happens in the scene.

mapped fn clearOpacityMax mats:(getclassinstances Standardmaterial) = if mats.count != 0 do
if opacityMap != undefined do
setProperty mats "opacityMap" undefined

Basically I'm trying to reverse what this script did:

I ideally I would like it to work on scene or this possible ?

Max 2016 btw.

barigazy's picture


Hey buddy. How are you :)
Here we go

fn clearOpacityMap selected: remove: = 
	local mats = #()
	if not selected then mats = getclassinstances standard else
		if selecton.count == 0 then #() else  
			for o in selection where o.mat != undefined and iskindOf o.mat Standard do join mats (getclassinstances standard target:o.mat)
	if mats.count > 0 do
		for m in mats where m.opacityMap != undefined do 
			if remove then m.opacityMap = undefined else m.opacityMapEnable = off

Now you have two solutions ei. options:
selected:on -- works on selected object materials
selected:off -- works on all materials
remove:on -- removes all opacity maps from slot
remove:off -- disable all opacity maps

clearOpacityMap selected:off remove:off -- disable all opacity maps 


barigazy's picture


I used here VRay material as example
For standard (default) material use [Standardmaterial] class and ["opacityMap"] property
#1 mapped fn solution

mapped fn clearOpacityMax mats:(getclassinstances VRayMtl) = if mats.count != 0 do
	if mats.texmap_opacity != undefined do
		setProperty mats "texmap_opacity" undefined

#2 simple fn solution

fn clearOpacityMaps =
	if (gci = getClassInstances VRayMtl).count != 0 do
		for m in gci where m.texmap_opacity != undefined do
			setProperty m "texmap_opacity" undefined


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