Scrolling Text in label

Is it possible to make the sentence text in a label scroll from left to write?
I've come across someones script before where they had some animated text in the ui but I'm not sure where or whose it was.

Anyone have any ideas on ways to do this?


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LittleLordPotala's picture

Hi JokerMartini,

For scrolling text from left to right,
Try the attached script...

AttachmentSize 509 bytes
Anubis's picture


Is it something like this?
(just a sketch idea, not tested)

local message = "Hello"
label animLabel "Hello"
on myClock tick do
	if message.count > 1 then
		message = substring message 2 -1
		message = "Hello"
	animLabel.text = message

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

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