select and detach vertices using maxscript

Hello, is there a way to select certain vertices and detach them to new object using maxscript?

I have following geometry merged together (called boxes) and I would like to detach one of them to new object.

I would like to select all vertices of this geometry, where X-axis is possitive (right box) or negative (left box) and detach them to new object.
How can I do that?




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miauu's picture


	global rol_detachByXpos
	try(destroyDialog rol_detachByXpos)catch()
	rollout rol_detachByXpos "Detach by X pos"
		local poDetachVerts = polyop.detachVerts
		local poGetVert = polyop.getVert
		button btn_detachPosX "Detach positive X" width:140
		button btn_detachNegX "Detach negative X" width:140
		function DetachVertsByXpos xSide: =
			if selection.count != 0 do
				selObjsArr = selection as array
				for o in selObjsArr where classOf o == Editable_Poly do
					vertsCnt = o.numverts
					posXBA = #{}
					negXBA = #{}
					for v = 1 to vertsCnt do
						vPos = poGetVert o v
						if vPos.x > 0 do posXBA[v] = true
						if vPos.x < 0 do negXBA[v] = true
					case xSide of
							if not posXBA.isEmpty do
								poDetachVerts o posXBA delete:true asNode:true name:( + "_detachedPositiveX") node:o
							if not negXBA.isEmpty do
								poDetachVerts o negXBA delete:true asNode:true name:( + "_detachedNegativeX") node:o
		on btn_detachposX pressed do
			DetachVertsByXpos xSide:#positive
		on btn_detachNegX pressed do
			DetachVertsByXpos xSide:#negative
	createdialog rol_detachByXpos 
zwrtron's picture

Thank you

Working like a charm exactly like I except.
But any chance to make it work on plane for example? Like it cuts plane in half which has edge in the middle (pos 0)
Thank you so much!

miauu's picture


Try this using Detach by Face:

	global rol_detachByXpos
	try(destroyDialog rol_detachByXpos)catch()
	rollout rol_detachByXpos "Detach by X pos"
		local poDetachVerts = polyop.detachVerts
		local poDetachFaces = polyop.detachFaces
		local poGetVert = polyop.getVert
		local poGetFacesUsingVert = polyop.getFacesUsingVert
		radiobuttons rb_detachBy "Detach:" labels:#("verts", "faces") default:1 columns:1
		button btn_detachPosX "Detach positive X" width:140
		button btn_detachNegX "Detach negative X" width:140
		function DetachVertsByXpos xSide: =
			if selection.count != 0 do
				selObjsArr = selection as array
				for o in selObjsArr where classOf o == Editable_Poly do
					vertsCnt = o.numverts
					posXBA = #{}
					negXBA = #{}
					for v = 1 to vertsCnt do
						vPos = poGetVert o v
						if vPos.x > 0 do posXBA[v] = true
						if vPos.x < 0 do negXBA[v] = true
					case xSide of
							if not posXBA.isEmpty do
								if rb_detachBy.state == 1 then
									poDetachVerts o posXBA delete:true asNode:true name:( + "_detachedPositiveX") node:o
									poDetachFaces o (poGetFacesUsingVert o posXBA) delete:true asNode:true name:( + "_detachedPositiveX") node:o
							if not negXBA.isEmpty do
								if rb_detachBy.state == 1 then
									poDetachVerts o negXBA delete:true asNode:true name:( + "_detachedNegativeX") node:o
									poDetachFaces o (poGetFacesUsingVert o negXBA) delete:true asNode:true name:( + "_detachedPositiveX") node:o
		on btn_detachposX pressed do
			DetachVertsByXpos xSide:#positive
		on btn_detachNegX pressed do
			DetachVertsByXpos xSide:#negative
	createdialog rol_detachByXpos 

or if it not works as expected:

	global rol_detachByXpos
	try(destroyDialog rol_detachByXpos)catch()
	rollout rol_detachByXpos "Detach by X pos"
		local poDetachFaces = polyop.detachFaces
		local poGetFaceCenter = polyop.getFaceCenter
		button btn_detachPosX "Detach positive X" width:140
		button btn_detachNegX "Detach negative X" width:140
		function DetachVertsByXpos xSide: =
			if selection.count != 0 do
				selObjsArr = selection as array
				for o in selObjsArr where classOf o == Editable_Poly do
					facesCnt = o.numfaces
					posXBA = #{}
					negXBA = #{}
					for v = 1 to facesCnt do
						fPos = poGetFaceCenter o v
						if fPos.x > 0 do posXBA[v] = true
						if fPos.x < 0 do negXBA[v] = true
					case xSide of
							if not posXBA.isEmpty do
								poDetachFaces o posXBA delete:true asNode:true name:( + "_detachedPositiveX") node:o
							if not negXBA.isEmpty do
								poDetachFaces o negXBA delete:true asNode:true name:( + "_detachedPositiveX") node:o
		on btn_detachposX pressed do
			DetachVertsByXpos xSide:#positive
		on btn_detachNegX pressed do
			DetachVertsByXpos xSide:#negative
	createdialog rol_detachByXpos 
zwrtron's picture

Unfortunately, both don't. :(

Unfortunately, both don't. :(

miauu's picture


	global rol_sliceOnXaxis
	try(destroyDialog rol_sliceOnXaxis)catch()
	rollout rol_sliceOnXaxis "Slice on X axis"
		local poDetachFaces = polyop.detachFaces
		local poGetFaceCenter = polyop.getFaceCenter
		local poSlice = polyop.slice
		button btn_detachPosX "Detach positive X" width:140
		button btn_detachNegX "Detach negative X" width:140
		function SliceAndDetach xSide: = with undo "Slice and Detach" on
			if selection.count != 0 do
				selObjsArr = selection as array
				dir = normalize ([100,0,0] - [-100,0,0])
				for o in selObjsArr do
					o.split = on
					poSlice o #all (ray [0,0,0] dir)
					update o
					facesCnt = o.numfaces
					posXBA = #{}
					negXBA = #{}
					for v = 1 to facesCnt do
						fPos = poGetFaceCenter o v
						if fPos.x > 0 do posXBA[v] = true
						if fPos.x < 0 do negXBA[v] = true
					case xSide of
							if not posXBA.isEmpty do
								poDetachFaces o posXBA delete:true asNode:true name:( + "_detachedPositiveX") node:o
							if not negXBA.isEmpty do
								poDetachFaces o negXBA delete:true asNode:true name:( + "_detachedPositiveX") node:o
		on btn_detachposX pressed do
			SliceAndDetach xSide:#positive
		on btn_detachNegX pressed do
			SliceAndDetach xSide:#negative
	createdialog rol_sliceOnXaxis 
zwrtron's picture

@miauu - Thank you very much,

@miauu - Thank you very much, exactly what I've been looking for.

jahman's picture


you can simply create a copy of your object and apply slice modifier with remove bottom to original and remove top to copy

GIF click if it refuses to play

zwrtron's picture

@jahman - Thank for

@jahman - Thank for contribution, that's the way I've been doing it manually until now.
However, do you think that this approach is more effective than @miauu script? Because using slice works on both editable geometry and primitives where the script only on editable poly.

jahman's picture


I personally like slice approach since it isn't destructive.
The only problem to solve here is to align slice plane to world axis properly.

ref = copy $
addModifier $ (SliceModifier Slice_Type:2)
$.modifiers[1].slicePlane.transform = inverse ($.objectTransform * RotateYMatrix 90)
addModifier ref (SliceModifier Slice_Type:2)
ref.modifiers[1].slicePlane.transform = inverse (ref.objectTransform * RotateYMatrix 270)

zwrtron's picture

I'll use this method seems to

I'll use this method seems to work on all examples I've tried.
Thank you very much.

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