Smarter Collapsing

collapse stack without collapsing the Meshsmooth, Turbosmooth, UVW or Unwrap UWV modifiers while preserving instances.


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hey, Anubis! I like your idea

hey, Anubis! I like your idea with collapsing only upper modifiers, but your script has a lot of errors!

miauu's picture


Fix the errors and post the result. :)

Anubis's picture

hi Daniel

Are all this modifiers on top of the stack? And there also not other kind of modifiers in-between, rihgt? If not, the final result would be unexpected, actually undesirable.

I'll presume that the modifiers you want to preserve are on top of the stack, and will post something (UNtested), and can't say is it better than Branko's idea :))

fn customCollapse force:off = if selection.count > 0 do
	local modClasses = filterString (
		Unwrap UVW"), "\n\t"
	local arrObj = #(), oldSel, modIndex, run
	local rptInstances = #(), trueInstances
	max create mode
	oldSel = selection as array
	while selection.count > 0 do
		InstanceMgr.GetInstances $ &rptInstances
		trueInstances = for n in rptInstances where \
		(areNodesInstances selection[1] n) collect n
		append arrObj selection[1]
		deselect trueInstances
		deselect selection[1]
	if force do
		for obj in arrObj where \
		obj.modifiers.count == 0 do
			if validModifier obj Turn_To_Mesh do
			(addModifier obj (Turn_To_Mesh());
			collapseStack obj)
	arrObj = for obj in arrObj where \
	obj.modifiers.count > 0 collect obj
	for obj in arrObj do
		modIndex = obj.modifiers.count
		run = (modIndex > 1)
		while run do
			if findItem modClasses (getClassName \
			obj.modifiers[modIndex]) == 0 then
			(modIndex -= 1) else (run = false)
			if run do run = (modIndex > 0)
		modIndex += 1
		if modIndex <= obj.modifiers.count do
		maxOps.CollapseNodeTo obj modIndex off
		if obj.modifiers.count == 1 and \
		findItem modClasses (getClassName \
		obj.modifiers[1]) == 0 do
		collapseStack obj
	select oldSel
-- Usage:
customCollapse force:on -- collapse all selected
customCollapse() -- skip selected without modifiers

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

barigazy's picture

try this

fn smartCollaps = if selection.count != 0 do
	max create mode
	local modClasses = #("TurboSmooth","MeshSmoothMod","MapMod","Unwrap UVW")
	local modArr = #(), ins = #()
	while selection.count > 0 do
		obj = if (InstanceMgr.GetInstances selection[1] &ins) > 0 then ins[1] else selection[1]
		if (modCnt = obj.modifiers.count) > 0 do
			for m = modCnt to 1 by -1 where findItem modClasses (getClassName obj.modifiers[m]) != 0 do
				append modArr obj.modifiers[m] ; deleteModifier obj m
			if (modCnt = obj.modifiers.count) > 0 do maxOps.CollapseNodeTo obj 1 off
			if (maCnt = modArr.count) != 0 do for c = 1 to maCnt do addModifier obj modArr[c]
			if ins.count != 0 then deselect ins else deselect obj
		if ins.count != 0 then deselect ins else deselect obj
		free modArr ; free ins


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