Sort Batch Render Cameras sequence by camera name

i have so many max files that contains batch render cameras and i need to sort the render sequence alphabetically by camera name. for elaboration check this link:


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appius's picture

same here, i can't get it

same here, i can't get it work

miauu's picture


I suppose that the cameras are displayed in the order they are selected. So, select the cameras in proper order and you will see them with correct order.
Also you have to be able to click the header of the comuns with cameras and the list to be sorted.

compuhms's picture

still no solution | batch render window sort cameras by name

Thank you for the reply, but clicking on the header of the columns "Camera" doesn't sort them. It needs a script to sort by name.

check this empty max file with just added batchrender cameras added for test

arch. Hazem Mamdouh

miauu's picture


Try this:

	function SortByNames obj01 obj02 = stricmp
	camArr = for c in cameras where classOf c != targetObject collect  c	
	qsort camArr SortByNames
	select camArr
	actionMan.executeAction -43434444 "4096"  -- Render: Batch Render Dialog Toggle

Load the scene and run the script. It will open the Batch Render dialog
The last line works in 3ds Max 2019. I don't know what version of 3ds Max do you have, so if there are error in the last line, just delete it, load the scene, run the script and then opem the Batch Render dialog manually.

compuhms's picture

I'm using 3ds Max 2016, the

I'm using 3ds Max 2016, the script gives no errors but after running the script it JUST select all cameras and open the Batch Render dialog ONLY. Still cameras are not sorted. what do you think?

arch. Hazem Mamdouh

miauu's picture


Try this one:

	function SortByXMember arr1 arr2 x:1 =
		stricmp arr1[x] arr2[x]
	brmNumViews = batchRenderMgr.numViews 
	if brmNumViews != 0 do
		viewsArr = for v = 1 to brmNumViews collect ( #(v, (batchRenderMgr.GetView v) )
		qsort viewsArr SortByXMember x:2		
		sortedViewsArr = for arr in viewsArr collect ( batchRenderMgr.DuplicateView arr[1] )
		for v = 1 to brmNumViews do (batchRenderMgr.DeleteView 1 )	
	actionMan.executeAction -43434444 "4096"  -- Render: Batch Render Dialog Toggle	
compuhms's picture

unhighlight or "deselect all cameras" batch render dialogue

greetings.. incase if there is a scene with 20 render batch cameras added in batch render there a script to deselect all cameras from batch render dialogue so that i can manually select only certain jobs that i need to render?

arch. Hazem Mamdouh

jahman's picture


for i=1 to batchRenderMgr.numViews do (batchRenderMgr.GetView i).enabled = false

but you'll have to reopen batch render dialog to see the changes

compuhms's picture

works perfect

thank you so much :) brilliant

arch. Hazem Mamdouh

jahman's picture


0. collect views
1. sort
2. duplicate
3. delete old
4. set original view names back

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