Tagged 'axis'

Measure Distance-Extend

2 votes

this Script for Measuring the Distance between 2 points (Similar to 3ds Max Measure Distance Tool), But with Projection Distance on X,Y and Z Axis - to exit Script window press Escape . How to Install: Drop it to any 3dsmax viewport or from Scripting menu / run Script you will find it in _My Scripts_ Category. How it Works: this is MacroScript so you need to make shortcut or quad menu or toolbar button to it better to make shortcut to it something like (Alt+M) Execute the macro and pick 2 points .

UPDATE v1.1 :

Quick Link Lock Tool

1 vote


Tronotools Quick Link Lock Info

A small tool I created to more quickly handle link locks. You can globally lock or unlock everything with one button. Same with just movement, rotate or scale separately. Supports multiple objects and behaves just like the normal 3dsMax Hierarchy->Link Info System.


v1.1 - Fixed a bug when no objects were selected.

World / Local coordinate system toogle

1 vote

macroScript CoordinatesToogle
category: "Scripts"
maniptype = toolMode.commandmode as string
varAxis = getRefCoordSys() as string
case of
(varAxis == "hybrid"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "screen"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "parent"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "local"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "gimbal"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "grid"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "working"): toolMode.coordsys #world
(varAxis == "world"): toolMode.coordsys #local

Align Objects To Direction (vector)

4 votes

Align Objects To Direction allows you to align the X, Y or Z axis of each of the selected objects to the direction(vector), defined by two picked in the scene points. SNAP will be turned ON automatically.


0 votes

-- Show Bone Axis
-- 2013/03/26 by SaiZyca
--for 3dsmax 2012 (should work above 5 )
--This tool can toggle the display axis for your bone collection.
--main function is based on showBoneAxis by M. Breidt (http://scripts.breidt.net/)


8 votes

Lets you pick a coordinate system to work in and lock to different axis - dialog box closes after picking your choice... nothing fancy just a little tool that I wrote for a friend.


23 votes

Simple tool inspired in Maya LRA that able users to quickly ajust any node(s) pivot(s) orientation.


39 votes

A set of functions wrapped into a minimalist single-click button to help 3ds Max and Nuke artists to bring the 3ds Max 3d scene assets into Nuke's powerful 3d compositing scene.

This tool allows:

1) Copy cameras and any other objects (as points) and their animation into clipboard for an easy Copy+Paste action inside Nuke.

2) Generate .chan files from selected cameras and any other objects (as points) and save them either many at once or one at a time to selected destination.


15 votes

The macroscript is meant to do a lightwave inspired axis constraint via
mouse movement. When the script is activated it will lock axis to the
closest major axis when starting a mouse drag (ie when you
move/non-uniform scale an object). idea by Paul Greveson. That way you
can quickly move stuff along major axis without having to use the

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