Tagged 'subobject level'

Selected Verts Boundary

3 votes

a mini utility show the boundingbox of selected vertices,
as well their Min/Max boundary in world space coordinates.


measure single selected node (selection[1])
works with any geometry node that has .mesh value
allows one floater rollout at a time


4 votes

Select all faces with Mareial ID equal to selected one.
Work with base Poly/Mesh & Edit/Select Poly/Mesh Modifiers.
Work on currently selected object/modifier in the modifier stack.

Undo SubObject Level

2 votes

Macro script requested in the forum.
"go to the last-used subobject level"

* "last-used" here means last recorded (when you invoke the macros)

Select Vertex Cross-section

40 votes

Extend 3ds Max selection features on Editable Mesh and Editable Poly.

Select Vertex Loop

* [Read Notes]