Tagged 'funny'

Create Quick Wall

7 votes

This script allows us to quickly create a wall using the shape (linee, text, circle ecc..)


----- Features

surf-O-matic: a free tool for animators

31 votes


Surf-O-Matic it's a free tool for all ANIMATORS to play with animation principles.
Hope it can be a funny way to improve weight shift and balance in animation!
If you like it please share with the community.
THANKS for watching!


Check Total Lengths SplineShape

74 votes

This simple and funny script, you can measure the total length, check the number of segments and the Knot of SplineShape. Very useful :)


Video Capture Select Viewport

33 votes

This is a Script that allows to recording and Grab the active viewport during the work. You can select any viewport during recording. Veersion 1.1

Based on 'Create a Quick Preview' by Borislav 'Bobo' Petrov (www.scriptspot.com/bobo).

New in release version 1.1:
Revision code (work in progress)
Revision the Interface
Add save path button image "Output Save Path Image"
Add save path button video "Output Save Path Video"
Add checkbox uniquename file image "Uniquename File Image"

Quick X-View

15 votes

This is a script utility that allows to see-throught (X-View) the objects during the work. Excellent for the stages of modeling with a reference image. Implements the function of 3dsMax of See-Through (Alt+X key).

Quick XView


25 votes

HollowCube is a simpleObject scripted plug-in.
Procedural primitive that I made today for fun.


Copy this (.ms) to Max "stdplugs\stdscripts\" folder

HollowCube is in the "Create/Geometry" tab in the "Scripted Primitives" menu


Check XYZ coordinates

12 votes


This is a funny and simple Script that allows to check and print in a file (.txt or .csv) the coordinates XYZ an animated or still object position for each frame.

Change Log v.1.5

-- Correct the code
-- Add choose stamp file (.txt or .csv)
-- Add increasing save file
-- Fix minor bug

Q.A.C. (Quick Assign Color)

11 votes

This little and funny Script, allows to change Wirecolor and Standard Material to a selected object without open and change the diffuse color in Material Editor. Very useful for quick application of basic colors on the object.


Find Info Image

2 votes

This simple and ingenuous script lets find some information about a loaded image.

Select by Color and Move objects to Layer

1 vote

This simple script lets you choose a wirecolor by an object (like "Select by Color") and select all objects with the same color. You can move the selection to levels we have chosen.



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