Tagged 'I/O'


9 votes

This script is designed to assist in exporting character animations for games. The basis of this script is that it creates a note track for the rootnode. Note keys for this track will determine the START and END of your designated (named animation). You can quickly go to each named animation via the dropdown list. Export Int will export the current named Animation.

.ply file importer

9 votes

Here is a maxscript that reads a .ply file and creates a mesh for it (note that for big meshes this is very. very slow).


9 votes

Takes any max file in a specified directory (or recursively through a directory tree) and merges into your current scene any object with a specified wildcard.

Backup save script

9 votes

Everytime you save a max scene - this copies the same file in backup directory with incrementing sequence number (adds itself as a post-save callback)

Quake II .MD2 Importer

8 votes

"gmax script for importing Quake2 .MD2 files. features:

  • Full geometry import
  • Full texture co-ordinate import (but no skins - see Known Issues)
  • Full animation import (select 'Load all frames')
  • "

    ILLUSION Exporter

    8 votes

    Exports 3D world coordinates as 2D screen coordinates to use as Position Data in the 'Particle Illustion' by Wondertouch.


    8 votes

    Helps managing X-Ref projects when network rendering - for example. Saves paths and filenames to merge plus other options. Written for inhouse production but it should be pretty easy to tweak if needed


    8 votes

    This little scripts converts all the max files in a folder to 3ds file format.

    Note: does not have a UI. Requires user to edit path to max files in script via text editor.

    DEM Import

    8 votes

    Digital elevation model DEM binary files import and map projections modifiers ( ellipsoidal Lambert conical -ellipsoidal universal transverse mercator - sphere2plane - with user defined ellipsoid and datum transformations handle)

    Mesh Baker

    8 votes

    Changes animated mesh modifiers to vertex animation. Useful for game exporting.

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